Girl, Woman, Other


Bernardine Evaristo

Trey grew up in the same neighborhood as Carole and LaTisha. He is in college when he shows up at teenage LaTisha’s house party and sexually assaults Carole. Years later, he asks LaTisha out and sexually assaults her as well, leaving her pregnant with her third child, Jordan. At ten, Jordan is already a troublemaker, which LaTisha believes he inherited from Trey. Trey’s story reveals the ways in which men perpetuate violence against women.
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Trey Character Timeline in Girl, Woman, Other

The timeline below shows where the character Trey appears in Girl, Woman, Other. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Carole
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon the party, she’s drunk for the first time when she spots a college student, Trey, who she thinks is much more attractive than boys her age. She starts dancing for... (full context)
Chapter 2: LaTisha
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon
Contradiction, Complexity, and Intersectionality  Theme Icon
LaTisha gets pregnant with her third child, Jordan, with Trey. LaTisha remembers that she wanted him when he came to the party she threw at... (full context)
Diaspora, Culture, and Identity Theme Icon
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon
Contradiction, Complexity, and Intersectionality  Theme Icon
LaTisha is giving Trey a hand job on the bed, when suddenly he beings to penetrate her. She tells... (full context)
Home and Community  Theme Icon
...her mother and Jayla, and together they parent her children. Jordan, the youngest, looks like Trey and causes trouble at home and school. So when one day LaTisha comes home from... (full context)