Girl, Woman, Other


Bernardine Evaristo

Wolde is Grace’s father, though she never knew him. An Ethiopian seaman, Wolde met Grace’s mother, Daisy, when he was stopped over in England. Before he departs, he promises Grace—who, unbeknownst to Grace and Wolde, is pregnant with their child–that he’ll return for her but never does. Wolde’s absence haunts Grace for her entire life, highlighting the impact that missing fathers have on their children.
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Wolde Character Timeline in Girl, Woman, Other

The timeline below shows where the character Wolde appears in Girl, Woman, Other. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: Megan/Morgan
Home and Community  Theme Icon
GG’s mother, Grace, never knew her father, Wolde. All she knew was that he was an Ethiopian seaman who got her mother, Daisy,... (full context)
Chapter 4: Grace
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon
Home and Community  Theme Icon
Grace’s mother, Daisy, tells her that her father, Wolde, was an Abyssinian seaman who she met while he was on a stopover in South... (full context)