Going After Cacciato


Tim O’Brien

A religious, highly moral soldier who serves in the same battalion as Paul Berlin, Jim Pederson is regarded as the voice of right and wrong among his fellow soldiers: he’s shown to be more ambivalent than most about the soldiers’ actions, and protests when the soldiers propose burning a Vietnamese village. Pederson is wounded during his time in Vietnam, and is taken to a hospital, where his fate is left unclear.

Jim Pederson Quotes in Going After Cacciato

The Going After Cacciato quotes below are all either spoken by Jim Pederson or refer to Jim Pederson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

They spent the night along the Song Tra Bong. They bathed in the river and made camp and ate supper. When it was night they began talking about Jim Pederson. It was always better to talk about it.

Related Characters: Jim Pederson
Page Number: 79
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Jim Pederson Quotes in Going After Cacciato

The Going After Cacciato quotes below are all either spoken by Jim Pederson or refer to Jim Pederson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

They spent the night along the Song Tra Bong. They bathed in the river and made camp and ate supper. When it was night they began talking about Jim Pederson. It was always better to talk about it.

Related Characters: Jim Pederson
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis: