Gone Girl

Gone Girl


Gillian Flynn

A resident at the extended-stay motel in the Ozarks where Amy hides out after running away from Carthage. Greta has a split lip and claims to have fled an abusive relationship with a no-good man. She befriends Amy—whom she does not recognize and believes is named Nancy—but turns against her and robs her with Jeff after finding out that Amy has a large amount of cash on her at all times.
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Greta Character Timeline in Gone Girl

The timeline below shows where the character Greta appears in Gone Girl. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
36. Amy Elliott Dunne, Seven Days Gone
...Amy engages the girl in conversation, introducing herself as “Nancy.” The girl introduces herself as Greta. The two women admit that they’re both here alone—and both landed here because of “guy... (full context)
Later that afternoon, Amy goes over to Greta’s. Greta makes the two of them some deli-meat sandwiches, and they settle in to watch... (full context)
...two of them continue watching the program as it transitions into disparaging coverage of Nick. Greta looks over at Amy suspiciously, and says she hopes that Nick didn’t kill his wife—she... (full context)
38. Amy Elliott Dunne, Eight Days Gone
Amy goes to a little amusement park with Greta and Jeff—though they’re an “odd crew,” the three of them have fun riding bumper boats... (full context)
...stand. She reaches into the zippered money pouch she always keeps around her waist, and Greta sees her doing it and teases her lightly, calling her “Moneybags,” but doesn’t press the... (full context)
40. Amy Elliott Dunne, Nine Days Gone (1)
...and goes back onto the porch to hand it to Dorothy—as she does, she spies Greta and Jeff on Greta’s porch, watching her pay the landlady. Amy hurries back inside and... (full context)
Amy reluctantly lets Greta and Jeff in—they begin going through her things under the pretense of helping her pack,... (full context)
Greta and Jeff scurry out of the apartment, almost tenderly warning Amy to be more careful... (full context)
58. Amy Elliott Dunne, Five Days After the Return
...nail her. Amy has made allowances in her story for the possibility that Jeff and Greta might come nosing around, telling police that Desi kept her tied up in some sort... (full context)