Good Night, Mr. Tom


Michelle Magorian

Nancy Little Character Analysis

The chain-smoking, trousers-wearing wife of village doctor Dr. Little, Nancy Little somewhat shocks conservatively raised William Beech when he is getting to know her. Her wry, no-nonsense, yet caring persona endears her to many, however. She and her husband house another child evacuee from London, Zach, until Zach is killed while visiting his parents in London in September 1940.
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Nancy Little Character Timeline in Good Night, Mr. Tom

The timeline below shows where the character Nancy Little appears in Good Night, Mr. Tom. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Saturday Morning
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon, Tom and Willie stop at the house of Dr. Oswald Little and his wife Nancy. When Tom greets Dr. Little as “doctor,” Willie starts backing away. Nancy sees Willie’s fear... (full context)
Chapter 5: Chamberlain Announces
Religion Theme Icon
...puts a hand on his shoulder, and leads him to a pew. Dr. Little and Nancy Little walk in. Willie, realizing Nancy is wearing trousers, expects Mr. Peters to glower at... (full context)
Chapter 10: The Case
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon
Talent and Community Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Nancy Little, holding a piece of ceiling plaster, enters the room. When Zach starts apologizing for... (full context)
Chapter 11: Friday
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon
...Tom—Willie smiles, perfectly aware of this fact—and that he’s lucky to have Dr. Little and Nancy Little. Ginnie comments that the Kings, a pair of evacuee siblings living with a tenant... (full context)
Chapter 15: Home
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
When Willie mentions that Nancy Little sent “tonic wine,” Mrs. Beech expresses horror, asking whether Willie has been drinking. Willie... (full context)
Chapter 17: Rescue
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon
Civilians in Wartime Theme Icon
...did a good job. After Will falls asleep again, Tom explains to Dr. Little and Nancy what happened. Dr. Little suggests that officials will hunt Will down, but Nancy says that... (full context)
Chapter 18: Recovery
Biological Family vs. Chosen Family Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
Zach says that Dr. Little and Nancy Little have pulled out one of their children’s old bicycles for him, which he has... (full context)
Chapter 21: Back to School
Civilians in Wartime Theme Icon
...Geoffrey Sanderton with Miss Thorne. The adults are explaining a new nature studies project when Nancy Little arrives and Zach is sent home. At the school lunch break, Will runs to... (full context)
Civilians in Wartime Theme Icon least 400 people are dead and 1,400 wounded. Two mornings after, Dr. Little and Nancy Little come to the cottage. Nancy has clearly been crying. Will, realizing, that Zach has... (full context)
Chapter 22: Grieving
Grief and Healing Theme Icon
Nancy Little opens her door to find Will, much to her surprise. She offers him “mulled... (full context)