Hazel’s aunt, who is “the hardest head in the family” and worse than Aunt Daisy. Aunt Jo calls Hazel “Miss Muffin” when she concedes to her during an argument and wants to get her to calm down. This name comes from the time Hazel got a painful vaccine and wouldn’t get off the couch cushions afterward. Hazel finds it frustrating and irritating when adults like Aunt Jo call her by childish nicknames rather than her given name.
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The timeline below shows where the character Aunt Jo appears in Gorilla, My Love. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Gorilla, My Love
...her daughter, which, as Hazel points out to the reader, is not her name. Her Aunt Jo calls her “Miss Muffin,” another nickname, when trying to concede during their arguments. Hazel also...
(full context)