Great Expectations

Great Expectations


Charles Dickens

Great Expectations: Book 3, Chapter 47 Summary & Analysis

Pip passes several anxious weeks heartbroken by Estella and worried about Provis. Deeply in debt, Pip owes creditors but gives Provis' unopened pocketbook to Herbert to hold onto. Pip will not use Provis' money, certain that he would be "a heartless fraud" to use it considering how he feels about Provis' patronage.
Despite the fact that Pip is desperate for money to pay his debts, he refuses to take Provis' money, choosing to prioritize his personal integrity over his financial needs. Yet the reason he doesn't want Provis's money is because he is embarrassed of Provis.
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Pip frequently rows on the river. Coming back on shore one night near Mr. Wopsle's theater, Pip decides to go see Mr. Wopsle's show. Pip has heard that Mr. Wopsle has fallen into decline as an actor and indeed his show is a ridiculous farce.
Mr. Wopsle's decline and dashed expectations in London can be seen as a comic shadow of Pip's own.
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After the show, Mr. Wopsle approaches Pip and tells him that the other convict from the marshes (Compeyson) has been sitting behind Pip's shoulder during the play. Pip is terrified, though he tries to conceal his fear from Mr. Wopsle. Back at the apartment, Pip tells Herbert and sends the news by post to Wemmick. He tries to live even more cautiously.
Even at Pip's calmest moments, danger lurks right over his shoulder. Compeyson, a seasoned criminal, has schemed his way into Pip's life in spite of Pip's attempts to be careful.
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