Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


J. K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany

James Potter (Harry’s Father) Character Analysis

James Potter is Harry’s father. He bravely tries to defend Harry and his wife Lily from Voldemort’s attack, though Voldemort kills him. Harry names his son James after his father, but he often laments that he didn’t have a father and that’s why he is so afraid of failing as a parent to Albus.

James Potter (Harry’s Father) Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child quotes below are all either spoken by James Potter (Harry’s Father) or refer to James Potter (Harry’s Father). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Parenthood Theme Icon
Part 1, Act 1, Scene 7 Quotes

HARRY (finally losing his temper): You know what? I’m done with being made responsible for your unhappiness. At least you’ve got a dad. Because I didn’t, okay?
ALBUS: And you think that was unlucky? I don’t.
HARRY: You wish me dead?
ALBUS: No! I just wish you weren’t my dad.
HARRY (seeing red): Well, there are times I wish you weren’t my son.
There’s a silence. ALBUS nods. Pause. HARRY realizes what he’s said.
No, I didn’t mean that…
ALBUS: Yes. You did.
HARRY: Albus, you just know how to get under my skin…
ALBUS: You meant it, Dad. And, honestly, I don’t blame you.
There’s a horrible pause.
You should probably leave me alone now.
HARRY: Albus, please…
ALBUS picks up the blanket and throws it.

Related Characters: Albus Severus Potter (speaker), Harry Potter (speaker), James Potter (Harry’s Father)
Related Symbols: Harry’s Blanket
Page Number: 39-40
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2, Act 4, Scene 12 Quotes

HARRY: Voldemort is going to kill my mum and dad—and there’s nothing I can do to stop him.

DRACO: That’s not true.

SCORPIUS: Dad, now is not the time…

ALBUS: There is something you could do—to stop him. But you won’t.

DRACO: That’s heroic.

GINNY takes HARRY’s hand.

GINNY: You don’t have to watch, Harry. We can go home.

HARRY: I’m letting it happen… Of course I have to watch.

HERMIONE: Then we’ll all witness it.

RON: We’ll all watch.

Related Characters: Albus Severus Potter (speaker), Harry Potter (speaker), Scorpius Malfoy (speaker), Draco Malfoy (speaker), Ginny Weasley (speaker), Hermione Granger (speaker), Ron Weasley (speaker), Delphi Diggory, Voldemort, James Potter (Harry’s Father), Lily Potter (Harry’s Mother)
Page Number: 291
Explanation and Analysis:
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James Potter (Harry’s Father) Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The timeline below shows where the character James Potter (Harry’s Father) appears in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Act 3, Scene 12
Parenthood Theme Icon
Time, Mistakes, and the Past Theme Icon
...didn’t have any friends. Petunia responds that it’s because his mother Lily repelled people, and his father James was obnoxious. Harry asks, then, why there are so many flowers all over their grave.... (full context)
Part 2, Act 4, Scene 12
Time, Mistakes, and the Past Theme Icon
Reputation and Expectation Theme Icon
Death and Sacrifice Theme Icon
...decide to watch together, to support Harry, and Ginny and Albus take his hands. Offstage, Harry’s father James tells his mother Lily to take Harry and run, and a blast goes off as... (full context)