Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


J. K. Rowling

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Formerly a Hogwarts professor who, in the present, has aligned herself with Voldemort. Though Umbridge previously seemed to love power for power's sake more than she loved Voldemort's ideology, Voldemort does give her the opportunity to become powerful through exploiting and abusing those she hates and fears, such as Muggle-borns, half-blooded wizards, and other beings who aren't thought of as being entirely human, such as werewolves. Though she is a cruel and terrifying villain, her appearance and mannerisms paint an opposing picture: she's short, toad-like, and loves pink, bows, and garish kittens. Her voice is high and girlish, and her Patronus is a fluffy cat. Though Harry has always loathed her, he hates her even more when he discovers that she's using Mad-Eye Moody's magical eye to spy on underlings from her office at the Ministry.
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Dolores Umbridge Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The timeline below shows where the character Dolores Umbridge appears in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eleven
Choices, Redemption, and Morality Theme Icon
Friendship, Community, and Resistance Theme Icon
...when he was caught selling without a license. Harry realizes that the "hag" is Dolores Umbridge. (full context)
Chapter Twelve
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
...Snape. Harry explains that he watched the Ministry entrance for seven hours and didn't see Umbridge, but did see Mr. Weasley. Hermione asks about the two people they've been spying on... (full context)
Choices, Redemption, and Morality Theme Icon
Friendship, Community, and Resistance Theme Icon
...the gates open on the first level, Harry and Hermione come face to face with Umbridge and Pius Thicknesse. (full context)
Chapter Thirteen
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
Umbridge is thrilled to see Mafalda and takes Hermione downstairs to take notes on the hearings.... (full context)
Choices, Redemption, and Morality Theme Icon
Grief and Coming of Age Theme Icon
...Decoy Detonator, which scuttles away and starts emitting smoke across the room. He slips into Umbridge's office and pockets Moody's eye. He begins going through a filing cabinet and stops short... (full context)
Choices, Redemption, and Morality Theme Icon
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
Friendship, Community, and Resistance Theme Icon
...he thinks of Ron and Hermione. A door opens and a screaming man emerges. At Umbridge's command, dementors take him away. Umbridge calls Mrs. Cattermole, and Harry slips into the room... (full context)
Choices, Redemption, and Morality Theme Icon
Knowledge and Power Theme Icon
Friendship, Community, and Resistance Theme Icon
Harry sneaks up behind Hermione and whispers to her that he's there as Umbridge asks Mrs. Cattermole who she took her wand from. As Umbridge leans forward, Harry sees... (full context)