Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


J. K. Rowling

An elderly and acclaimed wandmaker; he used to have a shop in Diagon Alley and he made most British wizards' wands. He has a piercing stare and Harry often feels uncomfortable around him. Voldemort captures Ollivander over the summer, hoping to use his extensive knowledge of wandlore to give him the information he needs to defeat Harry. Though Ollivander tells Voldemort what he knows when Voldemort tortures him, the twin cores of Harry and Voldemort's wands are so rare that his information ends up being incorrect. He forms a close bond with Luna when both he and Luna are imprisoned at Malfoy Manor, and Dobby saves Ollivander when he arrives to rescue Harry.
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Ollivander Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The timeline below shows where the character Ollivander appears in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Five
...believed him. The pain reaches a peak and Harry hears and sees Voldemort yelling at Ollivander that using another person's wand was supposed to work. Harry returns to his own mind... (full context)
Chapter Eight
...wand and thinks that Voldemort is looking for a wandmaker who might know more than Ollivander. Krum strides off. (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Three
...unties them with a nail after using Ron's Deluminator to give them light. Harry sees Ollivander in the corner and notices that Griphook is barely conscious. Upstairs, Bellatrix interrogates Hermione about... (full context)
...and whispers that he's here to rescue Harry. Harry and Ron ask Dobby to take Ollivander, Dean, and Luna to Bill and Fleur's and then come back. Harry sees the man... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Four
...and Muriel's houses are protected by the Fidelius Charm and says that they can move Ollivander and Griphook soon. Harry says he needs to speak to them both first. Harry thinks... (full context)
In Ollivander's room, Harry firmly closes his mind to Voldemort, thinking he made his decision to speak... (full context)
Ollivander assures Hermione that the Elder Wand is indeed real, and confirms that he told Voldemort... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Five
...one evening, but she brushes this aside and says that things will be easier once Ollivander leaves later. Harry says that he'll be leaving soon too, which shocks Fleur. Dean and... (full context)
Bill helps Ollivander down the stairs. He bids Luna goodbye and agrees to take Auntie Muriel's tiara, which... (full context)