Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

A Ravenclaw student and one of Harry’s friends. Because she dresses oddly, behaves eccentrically, and has a habit of telling uncomfortable truths, Luna is considered an oddity at school and has few friends. However, Harry appreciates her loyalty and her complete lack of interest in the material concerns like power or status that drive most people’s behavior towards him.
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Luna Lovegood Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Luna Lovegood appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Seven: The Slug Club
...of “mesmerized girls” looking at him, and he is relieved to finally meet Neville and Luna. Having been with Harry at the Ministry last year, even they are getting a certain... (full context)
...a group of stylish fourth-year girls enters the compartment, inviting Harry to ditch Neville and Luna and sit with them. Coldly, Harry responds that he wants to stay with his friends.... (full context)
Chapter Fifteen: The Unbreakable Vow
Darting out of class in search of Hermione, Harry finds her being comforted by Luna. Impulsively, he invites Luna to Slughorn’s party. She’s delighted by the suggestion but Ron is... (full context)
That night, Luna looks odd but nice in her sparkling robes. On the way to Slughorn’s office she... (full context)
Extricating himself, Harry drags Luna towards a very disheveled Hermione, who’s just escaped Cormac’s embrace. She admits that she just... (full context)
Chapter Nineteen: Elf Tails
Harry is shocked but amused to find that Luna has replaced Zacharias Smith as commentator. With her typical honesty, she reminisces about the last... (full context)
...hospital wing next to Ron, who is thrilled at Cormac’s disgrace and still chuckling at Luna’s commentary. Ron mentions that Ginny came by to see him and Harry conjures up a... (full context)
Chapter Twenty: Lord Voldemort’s Request
Luna arrives with a message from Dumbledore, summoning Harry to another lesson. Ron is flustered to... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Phoenix Lament
In the hospital wing, they find Neville passed out and Ron, Hermione, Luna, Tonks, and Lupin gathered around Bill, whose face is maimed almost beyond recognition. Lupin says... (full context)
Meanwhile, Hermione says that she and Luna were lurking outside Snape’s office when Flitwick burst inside to alert him about the Death... (full context)
Chapter Thirty: The White Tomb
...the castle towards the lake, where many witches and wizards are already gathered. Harry sees Luna helping Neville into a chair and feels intense gratitude to them for helping Ron and... (full context)