Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


J. K. Rowling

Professor McGonagall Character Analysis

The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Head of Gryffindor House, and Transfiguration professor. Stern and formidable, she expects hard work and exemplary behavior out of all her students and never hesitates to reprimand those of her own house; in this sense she’s a foil to Snape, who shows unprofessional favoritism towards Slytherin students. After Dumbledore’s death she acts swiftly to prevent discord at Hogwarts.
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Professor McGonagall Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The timeline below shows where the character Professor McGonagall appears in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eight: Snape Victorious
From the head table, Harry sees Hagrid waving at him, next to a disapproving Professor McGonagall and an oblivious Professor Trelawney. It’s hard to believe that this is the woman whose... (full context)
Chapter Nine: The Half-Blood Prince
...how to break it to Hagrid that they’re no longer taking his class. Next, Professor McGonagall gathers the Gryffindors to look over their O.W.L results and assign the next year’s classes.... (full context)
Next, McGonagall turns to Harry and informs him that while Snape only accepts advanced students with Outstanding... (full context)
Chapter Twelve: Silver and Opals
...bought it. Ron and Hermione are skeptical, and before they have time to argue, Professor McGonagall hurries up, takes the necklace, and orders them all to her office, where Leanne recounts... (full context)
...but as the professor is away, he’s forced to confide his suspicions about Draco to McGonagall, who asks him what proof he has. When he admits that he didn’t see Draco... (full context)
Chapter Eighteen: Birthday Surprises
...he’s doing if he wants them to keep watch, but as Malfoy draws his wand McGonagall shouts for him to be quiet. (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sectumsempra
...notwithstanding that the Quidditch final is this weekend. When she finds out about the incident, McGonagall reprimands Harry sternly and supports Snape’s decision. By the time Harry finds Ron, Hermione, and... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Flight of the Prince
...him, he sees Ginny fighting with a Death Eater, whom he jinxes as well. Ron, McGonagall, Lupin, and Tonks are fighting other Death Eaters, but Harry knows he needs to find... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Phoenix Lament
Ginny appears and gently leads Harry away from Dumbledore’s body. She says that McGonagall has ordered everyone from the Order to assemble at the hospital wing. Although she reassures... (full context)
Bloody from the battle, McGonagall enters the hospital to announce that Mr. Weasleyand Mrs. Weasley are on their way. Again,... (full context)
McGonagall says that the whole thing is her fault, relating that she was patrolling the halls... (full context)
...old and poor for her and this isn’t the moment to discuss such things. Sternly, McGonagall points out that Dumbledore would have been happy to know that “there was a little... (full context)
...that he’s moved Dumbledore’s body and Slughorn has informed the Ministry of the disaster. Professor McGonagall beckons to Harry and brings him into Dumbledore’s office – which now belongs to her.... (full context)
Along with Hagrid, the three other Heads of House arrive in the office. McGonagall asks for their opinions on the future of the school, wondering if it’s safe to... (full context)
From the window, McGonagall sees Scrimgeour arriving with his entourage; not wanting to see the Minister, Harry ducks out... (full context)
Chapter Thirty: The White Tomb
At McGonagall’s signal, everyone proceeds out of the castle towards the lake, where many witches and wizards... (full context)