Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


J. K. Rowling

Uncle Vernon Character Analysis

Harry's uncle. He's a huge man with a massive moustache. Vernon detests Harry and thinks he's always up to no good, so he doesn't take Harry seriously when Harry wants to watch the news over the summer. Vernon cares about normalcy most of all, which is why he hates Harry and all people who are different. Vernon loses his temper and tries to kick Harry out after a dementor attacks Harry and Dudley, but he agrees to back up Petunia when she insists that Harry has to stay.
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Uncle Vernon Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The timeline below shows where the character Uncle Vernon appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter One
...window of Number 4, Privet Drive. He wants to watch the news, but his Uncle Vernon won't let him. He listens to Vernon and Aunt Petunia talk about their son Dudley,... (full context)
As Harry tries to find the source of the noise, Vernon leans out the window and grabs Harry around the neck. He hisses for Harry to... (full context)
Chapter Two
...porch. Harry rings the bell, Petunia opens the door, and Dudley promptly vomits. Petunia and Vernon help Dudley inside while Harry attempts to slip up the stairs unnoticed. When Vernon asks... (full context)
...Ministry will arrive soon to destroy it. As Harry tries to leave, he snaps at Vernon that he's expelled. Suddenly another owl hits the window and Harry takes its letter. It's... (full context)
...continue, except to say that he fell and felt cold and unhappy. Harry explains to Vernon that a dementor attacked Dudley, and Petunia adds that dementors protect Azkaban, the wizard prison.... (full context)
Harry tries to leave the kitchen, but Vernon insists that Harry explain what happened to Dudley. Harry patiently explains that dementors suck out... (full context)
Vernon decides that with Voldemort back and dementors coming after Harry, Harry has to leave the... (full context)
Chapter Three
On the fourth night, Vernon enters Harry's room, dressed in his best suit, and explains that the family (minus Harry)... (full context)
Chapter Thirty-Seven
...is safe in her sister Petunia's house. Harry realizes that Dumbledore sent the Howler when Vernon tried to kick Harry out of the house. (full context)
Chapter Thirty-Eight
...composed of Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Fred, and George. The group approaches Vernon and Petunia, who are also there, to tell them that there will be consequences if... (full context)