Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


J. K. Rowling

Lily Potter Character Analysis

Harry's mother; adults who knew her tell Harry often that he has Lily's eyes. Voldemort murdered her twelve years ago but because she sacrificed her life for Harry's, Harry was protected and survived the ordeal. When dementors get close to Harry, he hears Lily screaming and pleading with Voldemort in her last minutes.

Lily Potter Quotes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban quotes below are all either spoken by Lily Potter or refer to Lily Potter. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Justice Theme Icon
Chapter Nineteen Quotes

"Of course," Lupin breathed. "So simple...so brilliant...he cut if off himself?"

"Just before he transformed," said Black. "When I cornered him, he yelled for the whole street to hear that I'd betrayed Lily and James. Then, before I could curse him, he blew apart the street with the wand behind his back, killed everyone within twenty feet of himself--and sped down into the sewer with the other rats..."

Related Characters: Professor Lupin (speaker), Sirius Black (speaker), Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Professor Lupin, Scabbers/Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Potter
Page Number: 363
Explanation and Analysis:
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Lily Potter Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The timeline below shows where the character Lily Potter appears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter One
Justice Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...forehead. He got it twelve years ago when the dark lord Voldemort murdered Harry's parents, Lily and James, and failed to murder Harry. The curse rebounded onto Voldemort and he disappeared.... (full context)
Chapter Ten
Responsibility, Morality, and Time Theme Icon
...about what happens to him when the dementors get close—Harry knows now that he hears Lily screaming and Voldemort laughing as he murders her. (full context)
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...experiences of their life. Quietly, Harry admits that the dementors make him hear Voldemort murdering Lily. (full context)
Chapter Eleven
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...until he finds the photo album that Hagrid made him. Harry finds a photo of Lily and James's wedding and notices Black as their best man. Harry thinks that Black doesn't... (full context)
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...what he heard, he can't do anything stupid. Incensed, Harry tells them that he hears Lily screaming when the dementors get near, and now that he knows who's responsible, he wants... (full context)
Chapter Twelve
Teaching Theme Icon
...to think of flying. He shouts the incantation and as he passes out, he hears Lily pleading with Voldemort. (full context)
Teaching Theme Icon
Responsibility, Morality, and Time Theme Icon
...and accepts Lupin's proffered Chocolate Frog. As he eats it, he mutters that he heard Lily and Voldemort louder this time, and when Lupin suggests they call it a night, Harry... (full context)
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
...a wizard. Lupin opens the case, Harry shouts the incantation, and though he still hears Lily screaming, it's quieter. A shadow bursts out of Harry's wand and after a few seconds,... (full context)
Chapter Fourteen
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
...cover for Harry again and says that Harry is doing a poor job of repaying Lily and James's sacrifice. Harry feels awful. As Harry and Ron reach the corridor for the... (full context)
Chapter Seventeen
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...Hermione get their wands and point them at Black. Harry reminds Black that he killed Lily and James. Black doesn't deny it but says Harry doesn't know the whole story. Before... (full context)
Chapter Nineteen
Justice Theme Icon
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
...and says that when he cornered Peter on the street, Peter yelled that Black betrayed Lily and James, blew up the street, and ran away with the other rats. Ron won't... (full context)
Justice Theme Icon
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Teaching Theme Icon
...his senses and he shouts that Black was going to kill Pettigrew like he killed Lily and James. Black agrees that he wants to kill Pettigrew, but Lupin says that Harry... (full context)
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Black says that in a way, he did kill Lily and James: he persuaded them to make Peter their Secret Keeper, not knowing Peter was... (full context)
Justice Theme Icon
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...swim to the mainland. He appeals once more to Harry and says he never betrayed Lily and James. Harry nods. (full context)
Justice Theme Icon
Friendship and Growing Up Theme Icon
...tells that James would've shown mercy. Lupin and Black make Pettigrew confess that he gave Lily and James to Voldemort but as they point their wands at him, Harry leaps in... (full context)
Chapter Twenty
Justice Theme Icon
Storytelling and Perspective Theme Icon
...expose a face with only a mouth. Harry's Patronus dies as he starts to hear Lily scream. The dementor grabs Harry's neck but before it can administer the Kiss, a silver... (full context)