Human Acts


Han Kang

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Human Acts makes teaching easy.

Jeong-dae’s Father Character Analysis

Jeong-dae’s father, also father to Jeong-mi, arrives in Gwangju soon after he hears the news that his children have disappeared. Though it is evident to everyone that Jeong-dae and Jeong-mi have been killed, Jeong-dae’s father refuses to accept this, searching for them during the days and drinking to excess at night. Dong-ho’s mother sees Jeong-dae’s father as a kind of mirror to herself: though both are destroyed by their grief for their murdered children, only Dong-ho’s mother is able to accept reality and use her grief as a tool of change.
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Jeong-dae’s Father Character Timeline in Human Acts

The timeline below shows where the character Jeong-dae’s Father appears in Human Acts. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6: The Boy’s Mother, 2010
Youth, Courage, and Naivety  Theme Icon
...and Jeong-dae head off to school in their matching uniforms. Later, after both children disappeared, Jeong-dae’s father came to Gwangju to look for them. He stayed in the annex of the hanok... (full context)
Language, Memory, and Power  Theme Icon
Eventually, Dong-ho’s mother thinks, Jeong-dae’s father must have passed away from the effort of searching for his missing children. She hates... (full context)