Human Acts


Han Kang

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The Writer Character Analysis

The writer, closely based on Human Acts author Han Kang herself, is a novelist. The writer was born in Gwangju, living in a hanok there until she was nine. When the writer’s father moved the family to Seoul, Dong-ho’s family bought the house and moved in. As a little girl, the writer saw herself in parallel to Dong-ho, hearing snippets of conversation about this bright, creative young boy who had been shot down in the Gwangju riots. Now, as an adult, the writer returns to Gwangju, determined to capture Dong-ho’s story (and to share the larger narrative of the 5:18 uprising with the world). The writer ends the narrative by traveling to Dong-ho’s grave, lighting a candle to honor this young boy she never knew. As the candle “flutter[s]” in the wind, the writer imagines that she feels a connection to Dong-ho’s soul, kept alive by her words of memory and testimony.

The Writer Quotes in Human Acts

The Human Acts quotes below are all either spoken by The Writer or refer to The Writer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Human Connection Theme Icon
Epilogue: The Writer, 2013 Quotes

There was something meek and gentle about those single-lidded half-moon eyes. The traces of infancy still lingered in the soft line of his jaw. It was a face so utterly ordinary you could easily have mistaken it for that of another, a face whose characteristics would be forgotten the moment you turned away from it.

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho, Eun-sook, Seon-ju, Dong-ho’s Mother
Page Number: 198
Explanation and Analysis:

As it turned out, none of my relatives died; none were injured or even arrested. But all through that autumn in 1980, my thoughts returned to that tiny room at one end of the kitchen, where I used to lie on my stomach to do my homework, that room with the cold paper floor—had the boy used it to spread out his homework on its cold paper floor, then lie stomach-down just as I had? The middle-school kid I'd heard the grown-ups whispering about. How had the seasons kept on turning for me, when time had stopped forever for him that May?

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho, The Writer’s Father
Page Number: 205
Explanation and Analysis:

Permission? Yes, you have my permission, but only if you do it properly. Please, write your book so that no one will ever be able to desecrate my brother’s memory again […]

Whenever we had a toe war, I always won.

He was really ticklish, you see.

All I had to do was poke his foot with my big toe and he’d start squirming.

At first I couldn’t tell whether he was grimacing like that because he was ticklish, or because it really hurt…

But then he would turn bright red and laugh.

Related Characters: The Middle Brother (speaker), Dong-ho, The Writer, Dong-ho’s Mother, President Chun Doo-hwan
Page Number: 209
Explanation and Analysis:

I didn’t pray. I didn't close my eyes, or observe a minute silence. The candles burned steadily. Their orange flames undulating soundlessly, gradually being sucked into the center and hollowed out. Only then did I notice how incredibly cold my ankles were. Without realizing it, I’d been kneeling in a snowdrift that covered Dong-ho’s grave. The snow had soaked through my socks, seeping in right through to my skin. I stared, mute, at that flame’s wavering outline, fluttering like a bird’s translucent wing.

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho
Related Symbols: Candles
Page Number: 212
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Writer Quotes in Human Acts

The Human Acts quotes below are all either spoken by The Writer or refer to The Writer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Human Connection Theme Icon
Epilogue: The Writer, 2013 Quotes

There was something meek and gentle about those single-lidded half-moon eyes. The traces of infancy still lingered in the soft line of his jaw. It was a face so utterly ordinary you could easily have mistaken it for that of another, a face whose characteristics would be forgotten the moment you turned away from it.

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho, Eun-sook, Seon-ju, Dong-ho’s Mother
Page Number: 198
Explanation and Analysis:

As it turned out, none of my relatives died; none were injured or even arrested. But all through that autumn in 1980, my thoughts returned to that tiny room at one end of the kitchen, where I used to lie on my stomach to do my homework, that room with the cold paper floor—had the boy used it to spread out his homework on its cold paper floor, then lie stomach-down just as I had? The middle-school kid I'd heard the grown-ups whispering about. How had the seasons kept on turning for me, when time had stopped forever for him that May?

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho, The Writer’s Father
Page Number: 205
Explanation and Analysis:

Permission? Yes, you have my permission, but only if you do it properly. Please, write your book so that no one will ever be able to desecrate my brother’s memory again […]

Whenever we had a toe war, I always won.

He was really ticklish, you see.

All I had to do was poke his foot with my big toe and he’d start squirming.

At first I couldn’t tell whether he was grimacing like that because he was ticklish, or because it really hurt…

But then he would turn bright red and laugh.

Related Characters: The Middle Brother (speaker), Dong-ho, The Writer, Dong-ho’s Mother, President Chun Doo-hwan
Page Number: 209
Explanation and Analysis:

I didn’t pray. I didn't close my eyes, or observe a minute silence. The candles burned steadily. Their orange flames undulating soundlessly, gradually being sucked into the center and hollowed out. Only then did I notice how incredibly cold my ankles were. Without realizing it, I’d been kneeling in a snowdrift that covered Dong-ho’s grave. The snow had soaked through my socks, seeping in right through to my skin. I stared, mute, at that flame’s wavering outline, fluttering like a bird’s translucent wing.

Related Characters: The Writer (speaker), Dong-ho
Related Symbols: Candles
Page Number: 212
Explanation and Analysis: