I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem


Maryse Condé

Sarah Osborne Character Analysis

Sarah Osborne is somewhat of a pariah in Salem; though she is wealthy, she has not attended church for many years, and as both Tituba and later historians suggest, she is dogged by rumors of sexual impropriety. Sarah Osborne is one of the first women to be accused of witchcraft—and almost immediately, in a bid to save herself, she tries to shove the blame onto Tituba. On the stand, Tituba accuses Goodwife Osborne (along with Goodwife Goode) as a witch.
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Sarah Osborne Character Timeline in I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem

The timeline below shows where the character Sarah Osborne appears in I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: Chapter 9
...Tituba mentions the name of Sarah Goode, a local beggar; someone then asks about Sarah Osborne, a wealthy woman who is mocked because of a sexual incident in her past. Abigail... (full context)
Part 2: Chapter 1
...of the accusers to the ministers. They begin to accuse Tituba, Sarah Goode, and Sarah Osborne of witchcraft. (full context)
Sarah Goode and Sarah Osborne are also arrested. While she is being chained, Goodwife Goode asks who will take care... (full context)
...names. When she finally arrives, she is put in the same cell as Goode and Osborne. Later that night, both women begin to fall into fits themselves, accusing Tituba of being... (full context)
Part 2: Chapter 2
...level. Still, both women agree that it is alright to accuse Sarah Goode and Sarah Osborne, as they each directly betrayed Tituba. (full context)
...to Barbados, there will still be slavery. On February 29th, Tituba, Sarah Goode, and Sarah Osborne are released from prison to return to Salem for their trial. The entire way home,... (full context)
Part 2: Chapter 3
...the devil asked her to do so; instead, she insists that Sarah Goode and Sarah Osborne hurt the young girls. Tituba testifies that she was threatened by these women and two... (full context)