Martin, one of the book’s coauthors, is a boy from Zimbabwe who becomes Caitlin Stoicsitz’s pen pal and eventual best friend. They exchange letters from the late 1990s through the early 2000s. He lives…
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Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka
Caitlin, one of the book’s coauthors, is a girl from Hatfield (a small town outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Starting in the late 1990s, she becomes a long-distance pen pal and eventually a best friend to…
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Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville)
Anne Neville is Caitlin and Richie’s mother, and she eventually becomes part of a surrogate “American family” for the Zimbabwean boy Martin Ganda. From the beginning, Anne supports Caitlin’s correspondence with Martin, although…
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Martin’s Father (George Ganda)
George Ganda works in a paper mill and is the father of Martin Ganda (Caitlin’s Zimbabwean pen pal), as well as Martin’s siblings Nation, Simba, Lois, and George. Even…
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Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda)
Chioniso is the mother of Martin Ganda (Caitlin’s Zimbabwean pen pal), as well as Martin’s siblings Nation, Simba, Lois, and George. Though she can be strict and often complains…
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Richard Caitlin and Richie’s father. Like his wife, Anne Neville, he becomes a surrogate parent to the Zimbabwean boy Martin Ganda. Richard has a government job that he isn’t allowed to talk…
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Richie is Caitlin’s older brother and Richard and Anne’s son. Though he sometimes teases Caitlin, ultimately he supports his sister, even offering his clothes to send as donations to Caitlin’s Zimbabwean pen pal…
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Wallace is one of the first friends that Martin makes when he leaves behind his old school in Zimbabwe to attend one of the nation’s most prestigious boarding schools. Like Martin, Wallace also comes from…
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Nation is Martin’s older brother. It was his birth that caused Martin’s father and Martin’s mother to get married and move to Chisamba Singles (to be near Martin’s father’s job in the paper mill)…
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Damon is Caitlin’s first serious boyfriend. Though he can sometimes be immature and jealous, the fact that his father struggles with multiple sclerosis has helped make Damon more sensitive than other boys his age…
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Alois is Martin’s cousin Sekai’s husband. He works in a bank, and when Martin goes to visit him, Martin sees a level of success that he hasn’t encountered before in Zimbabwe. Alois inspires…
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Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Miller is Caitlin’s middle school teacher who organizes the pen pal program that pairs up Caitlin and Martin. Though Caitlin and Martin’s correspondence soon leaves the classroom, Mrs. Miller represents how one…
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Mrs. Jarai
Mrs. Jarai is Martin’s teacher who organizes the pen pal program through which he first writes to Caitlin. Compared to Caitlin’s American teacher, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Jarai has to deal with a…
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Minor Characters
Sekai is Martin’s cousin and Alois’s wife. She and Alois become aspirational figures to Martin because they are well-educated and well-off compared to Martin’s immediate family. Their success is part of what encourages Martin to pursue his own education.
Lauren is one of Caitlin’s friends while growing up in Hatfield. Their relationship is complicated, as they frequently go from being best friends to not talking. For Caitlin, Martin represents a more stable friendship, without the complications of a relationship like the one she has with Lauren.
Simba is Martin’s younger brother. He starts acting out in school after Martin’s father loses his job, showing one of the effects that poverty can have on kids growing up.
Lois is Martin’s younger sister and the only daughter of Martin’s father and Martin’s mother. Inspired by Martin’s own success in school, Lois herself grows up planning to one day study at a U.S. university.
Dzmitry Alifirenka
Dzmitry Alifirenka is the man that Caitlin marries in the book’s epilogue. Martin is there to give a speech at their wedding, signifying how his bond with Caitlin has continued even after their letters to each other stopped.
Carola is Caitlin’s German cousin, who seems strange to Caitlin but who is actually very popular in school. She helps Caitlin begin to realize that the world is bigger than her small, suburban hometown.
Matt Johnson
Matt a boy in Hatfield who plays soccer and who is one of Caitlin’s first big crushes.
George is Martin’s youngest brother, named after Martin’s father.
Stephie is the German exchange student whom Caitlin and her family host.
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Gahr, Tim. "I Will Always Write Back Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 7 Feb 2022. Web. 19 Mar 2025.