In the Dream House

In the Dream House


Carmen Maria Machado

John Character Analysis

John is Laura’s partner and one of Machado’s roommates in Iowa. His presence, along with Laura’s, makes Machado feel safe and secure—a stark contrast to how the woman from the Dream House makes her feel. His concern for her wellbeing is evident through his disappointment when he hears Machado trying to defend herself to the woman on the phone, and through the several times he comforts her when the woman upsets her. After Machado and the woman break up, he helps her to stay out of contact with her, suggesting that other people in Machado’s life can see the harm the woman has had and the danger of Machado’s relationship with her.

John Quotes in In the Dream House

The In the Dream House quotes below are all either spoken by John or refer to John. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Queer Visibility Theme Icon
107. Dream House as Sci-Fi Thriller Quotes

And then you are out. You do not dream. When you wake up, the movie is over; you’ve missed the entire thing. And yet you feel so content there, in that space, in the moment after waking, and before you remember your cell phone.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John, Laura
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis:
124. Dream House as Memory Quotes

Suddenly the phone goes off again, vibrating like a maniacal insect, and you almost drop it on the floor. You sprint out to the parking lot. The whole drive home the phone is ringing, ringing. You run into the house where John is reading, and show him the phone.

He leaps into action, attaches his computer to the elaborate speaker system he’s set up in your house, and begins to play some sort of chaotic noise metal.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John
Page Number: 210
Explanation and Analysis:
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John Quotes in In the Dream House

The In the Dream House quotes below are all either spoken by John or refer to John. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Queer Visibility Theme Icon
107. Dream House as Sci-Fi Thriller Quotes

And then you are out. You do not dream. When you wake up, the movie is over; you’ve missed the entire thing. And yet you feel so content there, in that space, in the moment after waking, and before you remember your cell phone.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John, Laura
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis:
124. Dream House as Memory Quotes

Suddenly the phone goes off again, vibrating like a maniacal insect, and you almost drop it on the floor. You sprint out to the parking lot. The whole drive home the phone is ringing, ringing. You run into the house where John is reading, and show him the phone.

He leaps into action, attaches his computer to the elaborate speaker system he’s set up in your house, and begins to play some sort of chaotic noise metal.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John
Page Number: 210
Explanation and Analysis: