In the Skin of a Lion


Michael Ondaatje

Giannetta Character Analysis

Caravaggio’s wife proves both generous and fearless when she helps him escape the mushroom factory where he is hiding after a robbery. She shares certain similar traits with her husband, such as a bold love of spontaneity and adventure. Devoted to her husband, she helps him in his profession as thief and accompanies him on their expedition to help Patrick dynamite the waterworks.
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Giannetta Character Timeline in In the Skin of a Lion

The timeline below shows where the character Giannetta appears in In the Skin of a Lion. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3: Chapter 1: Caravaggio
The Working Class vs. the Rich Theme Icon the hallway. His life as a thief has made him hate sleeping. Even when his wife is asleep in his arms, he remains watchful, paying attentive to all the noises around... (full context)
Community and Immigrant Culture Theme Icon
Love and Family Theme Icon
Hours later, Caravaggio sees a factory worker , a woman, dress beside him and he tries to attract her attention without scaring... (full context)
Love and Family Theme Icon
...the two of them laugh together and share their names. The woman, whose name is Giannetta, promises him to bring him food and a bible. Caravaggio asks to see her face... (full context)
Love and Family Theme Icon
The next day, Giannetta tells Caravaggio that they have to shave his moustache because only women work at this... (full context)
Love and Family Theme Icon
...then jumps down and enters the main building where he finds a phone to call Giannetta. His wife tells him that she already knows he has escaped because the police came... (full context)
The Working Class vs. the Rich Theme Icon
Love and Family Theme Icon
...a thief, when he was scared and self-conscious every time he stole from people. After Giannetta told him to get a dog, Caravaggio stole one and named him August. August would... (full context)
Love and Family Theme Icon
Now at his brother-in-law’s house, Caravaggio drinks a glass of milk and embraces Giannetta, who kisses the scar on his neck. Elated at seeing each other, they laugh while... (full context)
Part 3: Chapter 2: Maritime Theatre
The Working Class vs. the Rich Theme Icon
...chained monkeys with champagne corks to win a free bottle. That night, Patrick, Caravaggio, and Giannetta step off a motor launch toward the Yacht Club where, thanks to Caravaggio’s confident attitude,... (full context)
The Working Class vs. the Rich Theme Icon
Community and Immigrant Culture Theme Icon
...after flirting with the wife, she invites him to their yacht. When Caravaggio points to Giannetta, explaining that she is his sister, the wife invites her too. Earlier in the evening,... (full context)
Love and Family Theme Icon
...blanket over her and heads upstairs. While the husband lies unconscious in the ropes, Patrick, Giannetta, and Caravaggio laugh and head toward the waterworks. Enjoying the atmosphere, not yet thinking of... (full context)