Kafka on the Shore


Haruki Murakami

Doctor Juichi Nakazawa Character Analysis

After the “Rice Bowl Hill Incident,” Dr. Nakazawa, a psychiatrist, was called by the Japanese military to examine Nakata and the other children who had fallen unconscious. The accident baffled Nakazawa—he didn’t understand what had happened to the children, why all but Nakata swiftly recovered, and why Nakata himself suffered a coma and then amnesia. Nakazawa tells Lt. O’Connor that the memory of the incident feels “like a weight pressing down” on him.
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Doctor Juichi Nakazawa Character Timeline in Kafka on the Shore

The timeline below shows where the character Doctor Juichi Nakazawa appears in Kafka on the Shore. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
...the Rice Bowl Hill Incident. This time, it is an interview between Lt. O’Connor and Doctor Juichi Nakazawa , who ran a clinic in a town near Rice Bowl Hill. Nakazawa was called... (full context)
As the children gradually began to return to consciousness on their own, Dr. Nakazawa questioned them and found that they had no memory of the incident. They all seemed... (full context)