Kafka on the Shore


Haruki Murakami

Hoshino is an aimless twentysomething who works as a truck driver largely because he has been fired from every other job he’s held. Still, he’s content and confident, with a flamboyant penchant for Hawaiian shirts and ponytails. Unlike most people, Hoshino is patient with Nakata, taking the time to get to know him. As Hoshino and Nakata undertake their quest to find the mysterious entrance stone, Hoshino becomes interested in classical music. These new experiences are revelatory for him. Hoshino vows to start a new, more meaningful life after the journey is over. Hoshino’s story is an example of the power of music in this novel.

Hoshino Quotes in Kafka on the Shore

The Kafka on the Shore quotes below are all either spoken by Hoshino or refer to Hoshino. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 32 Quotes

“I used to be normal, just like everybody else. But something happened and I ended up like a container with nothing inside.”

“Yeah, but if you look at it like that we’re all pretty much empty, don’t you think?”

Related Characters: Satoru Nakata (speaker), Hoshino
Page Number: 306
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Chapter 34 Quotes

Listening to Fournier’s flowing, dignified cello, Hoshino was drawn back to his childhood. He used to go to the river every day to catch fish. Nothing to worry about back then, he reminisced. Just live each day as it came. As long as I was alive, I was something.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker)
Page Number: 328
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Chapter 46 Quotes

“But when I listen to this music it’s like Beethoven’s right here talking to me, telling me something like, It’s ok, Hoshino, don’t worry about it. That’s life. I’ve done some pretty awful things in my life too. Not much you can do about it. Things happen. You just got to hang in there.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker)
Page Number: 430
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Chapter 48 Quotes

“I think that whenever something happens in the future I’ll always wonder—What would Mr. Nakata say about this? What would Mr. Nakata do? I’ll always have someone I can turn to. And that’s kind of a big deal, if you think about it. It’s like part of you will always live inside me.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker), Satoru Nakata
Page Number: 455
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Hoshino Quotes in Kafka on the Shore

The Kafka on the Shore quotes below are all either spoken by Hoshino or refer to Hoshino. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 32 Quotes

“I used to be normal, just like everybody else. But something happened and I ended up like a container with nothing inside.”

“Yeah, but if you look at it like that we’re all pretty much empty, don’t you think?”

Related Characters: Satoru Nakata (speaker), Hoshino
Page Number: 306
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Chapter 34 Quotes

Listening to Fournier’s flowing, dignified cello, Hoshino was drawn back to his childhood. He used to go to the river every day to catch fish. Nothing to worry about back then, he reminisced. Just live each day as it came. As long as I was alive, I was something.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker)
Page Number: 328
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

“But when I listen to this music it’s like Beethoven’s right here talking to me, telling me something like, It’s ok, Hoshino, don’t worry about it. That’s life. I’ve done some pretty awful things in my life too. Not much you can do about it. Things happen. You just got to hang in there.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker)
Page Number: 430
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 48 Quotes

“I think that whenever something happens in the future I’ll always wonder—What would Mr. Nakata say about this? What would Mr. Nakata do? I’ll always have someone I can turn to. And that’s kind of a big deal, if you think about it. It’s like part of you will always live inside me.

Related Characters: Hoshino (speaker), Satoru Nakata
Page Number: 455
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