Kafka on the Shore


Haruki Murakami

The Living Ghost of Miss Saeki Character Analysis

Shortly after Kakfa moves into the library, an apparition begins to appear in his room at night. She appears to be a ghost who resembles Miss Saeki at fifteen years old. Kafka is attracted to her, but she doesn’t seem to be able to see or hear him. Because Miss Saeki is still alive, Kafka refers to the mysterious girl as a “living ghost.”
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The Living Ghost of Miss Saeki Character Timeline in Kafka on the Shore

The timeline below shows where the character The Living Ghost of Miss Saeki appears in Kafka on the Shore. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 23
...middle of the night, Kafka awakes suddenly in his room in the library to see a young girl of about fifteen sitting at the desk. She seems too perfect to be real, and... (full context)
Chapter 25
Kafka tries to stay awake so that he will not miss the moment that the living ghost arrives, but he does anyway. Suddenly, the young Miss Saeki is sitting at his desk,... (full context)
Chapter 27
...she says she can’t answer. Back downstairs, Kafka feels confused—is he in love with the young ghost of Miss Saeki , or the real, middle-aged woman upstairs? (full context)
Chapter 29
That night, Kafka wakes up as usual to the living ghost sitting at his desk. But something is off: he realizes she isn’t the young girl... (full context)
Chapter 45
...it’s evening and he hears someone cooking in the kitchen. He realizes that it’s the fifteen-year-old Miss Saeki , and that she can see him. She sits down with him as he eats... (full context)