Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Frank Clearwater Character Analysis

Frank Clearwater was one of the two Native American men who died at the Occupation of Wounded Knee. When he was shot by federal officers, American Indian Movement (AIM) activists communicated to federal officers that they had a wounded man who needed medical attention. Although the officers promised to hold their fire, they did not, thereby preventing him from getting the medical attention that he needed. Activists eventually got him out of Wounded Knee and to a hospital, but he died a few days later.
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Frank Clearwater Character Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Frank Clearwater appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9: The Siege
...On the day of the second airdrop, one of the activists, a man named Frank Clearwater, was killed. (full context)
Frank Clearwater was one of two men who were killed during the siege of Wounded Knee. Mary... (full context)
Frank Clearwater, a Cherokee man, arrived the day before the airdrop with his pregnant Apache wife, Morning... (full context)
...Lamont, an Oglala marine veteran. He was shot and killed instantly in crossfire. As in Clearwater's situation, the government officials didn't stop firing to allow medics to reach him. When relatives... (full context)