Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Pedro Bissonette Character Analysis

Pedro Bissonette was the leader of the Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) during Wilson’s regime until his (Pedro’s) death. Pedro was also a close friend of Mary’s, and he stayed by her side when she was in her third trimester of pregnancy during the Occupation of Wounded Knee. Pedro and other OSCRO members joined American Indian Movement (AIM) activists to occupy Wounded Knee, a demonstration that got a lot of media attention and helped raise awareness of the oppression that Native Americans experience. The uniting of OSCRO and AIM for this demonstration carried on the goal of intertribal unity that was established during the Trail of Broken Treaties. Later, Pedro was killed by police; he was just one of many Native American activists who were murdered by government officials.

Pedro Bissonette Quotes in Lakota Woman

The Lakota Woman quotes below are all either spoken by Pedro Bissonette or refer to Pedro Bissonette . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 16 Quotes

I pierced too, together with many other women […] I did not feel any pain because I was in the power. I was looking into the clouds, into the sun. Brightness filled my mind […] In the almost unbearable brightness, in the clouds, I saw people. I could see those who had died. I could see Pedro Bissonette […] Buddy Lamont […] I saw the face of my friend Annie Mae Aquash, smiling at me. I could hear the spirits speaking to me through the eagle-bone whistles […] I felt nothing and, at the same time, everything. It was at that moment that I, a white-educated half-blood, became wholly Indian. I experienced a great rush of happiness.

Related Characters: Mary Crow Dog (speaker), Annie Mae Aquash, Pedro Bissonette , Buddy Lamont
Page Number: 260
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Pedro Bissonette Quotes in Lakota Woman

The Lakota Woman quotes below are all either spoken by Pedro Bissonette or refer to Pedro Bissonette . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 16 Quotes

I pierced too, together with many other women […] I did not feel any pain because I was in the power. I was looking into the clouds, into the sun. Brightness filled my mind […] In the almost unbearable brightness, in the clouds, I saw people. I could see those who had died. I could see Pedro Bissonette […] Buddy Lamont […] I saw the face of my friend Annie Mae Aquash, smiling at me. I could hear the spirits speaking to me through the eagle-bone whistles […] I felt nothing and, at the same time, everything. It was at that moment that I, a white-educated half-blood, became wholly Indian. I experienced a great rush of happiness.

Related Characters: Mary Crow Dog (speaker), Annie Mae Aquash, Pedro Bissonette , Buddy Lamont
Page Number: 260
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