Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Wallace Black Elk Character Analysis

Wallace Black Elk is a medicine man who assisted Leonard Crow Dog in performing religious ceremonies at the Occupation of Wounded Knee and elsewhere. Wallace was one of the medicine men who organized the Sun Dance of 1971, which was more traditional and less commercial than the one that took place at Pine Ridge. His traditionalism suggests that he believed in the importance of maintain and practicing Native American cultural traditions, rather than assimilating to white society.
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Wallace Black Elk Character Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Wallace Black Elk appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8: Cankpe Opi Wakpala
Before the AIM and OSCRO activists drove to Wounded Knee, Leonard and Wallace Black Elk (another medicine man) prayed for them with their pipe. Then the caravan started out to... (full context)