


Thomas Hobbes

Craft is prudence applied to unjust ends. According to Hobbes, craft is frequently seen within common-wealths, and royalists in Hobbes’s day viewed many of the actions of parliamentarians as craft.
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Craft Term Timeline in Leviathan

The timeline below shows where the term Craft appears in Leviathan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8: Of the VERTUES commonly called INTELLECTUAL: and their contrary DEFECTS
Nature, War, and Civil Society   Theme Icon
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
...and memory, this is known as prudence, and prudence applied to unjust ends is called craft(full context)
Chapter 12: Of Religion
Religion Theme Icon
Reason, Fact, and Philosophy  Theme Icon
...gods and religion. Fertility was because of Venus, the arts due to Apollo, and all craft was the fault of Mercury. Prophecy was natural, and it was believed fortunes could be... (full context)