Lonesome Dove

Lonesome Dove


Larry McMurtry

Hugh Auld Character Analysis

Hugh Auld is an elderly fur trapper living in Montana Territory when the cattle drive arrives. He is on good terms with many of the Indigenous nations in the area. He encounters—and helps—the grievously wounded Gus when Gus is trying to walk into Miles City. Subsequently, Call hires Auld to drive supplies out to the cattle drive. Auld sticks with the men after that, following them and helping them establish their headquarters and becoming good friends with Po Campo.
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Hugh Auld Character Timeline in Lonesome Dove

The timeline below shows where the character Hugh Auld appears in Lonesome Dove. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 95
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
The Good Life  Theme Icon
...alone. A little, old, crooked-backed white man watches over him. The man introduces himself as Hugh Auld. He says he is on friendly terms with the Blood and Blackfeet nations, and... (full context)
Chapter 97
The Good Life  Theme Icon
...for the company: coats, boots, gloves, and building supplies. He rents a wagon and hires Hugh Auld to help him drive it to the cattle herd. (full context)
Luck, Fate, and Chance Theme Icon
The Meaning of Masculinity Theme Icon
Call rides ahead of Auld and reaches the herd on the afternoon of the second day. The men are spooked... (full context)
Chapter 98
The Good Life  Theme Icon
When Hugh Auld catches up to the cattle drive, he becomes the company’s resident chatterbox. When the... (full context)
Chapter 100
The Meaning of Masculinity Theme Icon
Feminine Strength Theme Icon
...Still, every time he sells cattle to the Army—or to the Indigenous nations, with whom Hugh Auld has helped him to get on good terms—he sets aside half of the money. (full context)
American Mythology Theme Icon
The Good Life  Theme Icon
One winter night, someone steals some of the company’s horses. Call, Pea Eye, Newt, Hugh, and Needle track their animals north into Canada in the company of a father and... (full context)