Meditations on First Philosophy


René Descartes

René Descartes Character Analysis

René Descartes was the 17th-century French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who wrote Meditations on First Philosophy to explain how science can be based on a set of purely rational principles. Starting from the principle that his own existence is certain, the book’s narrator, the Meditator, offers proofs for the existence of God, the difference between the soul and body, and the reliability of whatever we perceive clearly and distinctively through the intellect.

René Descartes Quotes in Meditations on First Philosophy

The Meditations on First Philosophy quotes below are all either spoken by René Descartes or refer to René Descartes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dedicatory letter Quotes

I think there can be no more useful service to be rendered in philosophy than to conduct a careful search, once and for all, for the best of these arguments, and to set them out so precisely and clearly as to produce for the future a general agreement that they amount to demonstrative proofs.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker)
Page Number: 4-5
Explanation and Analysis:
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Preface to the Reader Quotes

I would not urge anyone to read this book except those who are able and willing to meditate seriously with me, and to withdraw their minds from the senses and from all preconceived opinions. Such readers, as I well know, are few and far between.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker), The Meditator
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Synopsis Quotes

The great benefit of these arguments is not, in my view, that they prove what they establish—namely that there really is a world, and that human beings have bodies and so on—since no sane person has ever seriously doubted these things. The point is that in considering these arguments we come to realize that they are not as solid or as transparent as the arguments which lead us to knowledge of our own minds and of God, so that the latter are the most certain and evident of all possible objects of knowledge for the human intellect. Indeed, this is the one thing that I set myself to prove in these Meditations. And for that reason I will not now go over the various other issues in the book which are dealt with as they come up.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker), The Meditator, God
Page Number: 12-13
Explanation and Analysis:
Second Meditation Quotes

So after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, The Evil Demon
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:

As to the body, however, I had no doubts about it, but thought I knew its nature distinctly. If I had tried to describe the mental conception I had of it, I would have expressed it as follows: by a body I understand whatever has a determinable shape and a definable location and can occupy a space in such a way as to exclude any other body; it can be perceived by touch, sight, hearing, taste or smell, and can be moved in various ways, not by itself but by whatever else comes into contact with it. For, according to my judgement, the power of self-movement, like the power of sensation or of thought, was quite foreign to the nature of a body; indeed, it was a source of wonder to me that certain bodies were found to contain faculties of this kind.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Thinking? At last I have discovered it—thought; this alone is inseparable from me. I am, I exist—that is certain. But for how long? For as long as I am thinking. For it could be that were I totally to cease from thinking, I should totally cease to exist. At present I am not admitting anything except what is necessarily true. I am, then, in the strict sense only a thing that thinks; that is, I am a mind, or intelligence, or intellect, or reason—words whose meaning I have been ignorant of until now. But for all that I am a thing which is real and which truly exists. But what kind of a thing? As I have just said—a thinking thing.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 22-23
Explanation and Analysis:

But what then am I? A thing that thinks. What is that? A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, is willing, is unwilling, and also imagines and has sensory perceptions.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 24
Explanation and Analysis:

[The wax] has not yet quite lost the taste of the honey; […] its colour, shape and size are plain to see; it is hard, cold and can be handled without difficulty; if you rap it with your knuckle it makes a sound. In short, it has everything which appears necessary to enable a body to be known as distinctly as possible. But even as I speak, I put the wax by the fire, and look: the residual taste is eliminated, the smell goes away, the colour changes, the shape is lost, the size increases; it becomes liquid and hot; you can hardly touch it, and if you strike it, it no longer makes a sound.


What exactly is it that I am now imagining? Let us concentrate, take away everything which does not belong to the wax, and see what is left: merely something extended, flexible and changeable.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Related Symbols: The Wax
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:
Third Meditation Quotes

I am certain that I am a thinking thing. Do I not therefore also know what is required for my being certain about anything? In this first item of knowledge there is simply a clear and distinct perception of what I am asserting; this would not be enough to make me certain of the truth of the matter if it could ever turn out that something which I perceived with such clarity and distinctness was false. So I now seem to be able to lay it down as a general rule that whatever I perceive very clearly and distinctly is true.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 28-29
Explanation and Analysis:

Undoubtedly, the ideas which represent substances to me amount to something more and, so to speak, contain within themselves more objective reality than the ideas which merely represent modes or accidents. Again, the idea that gives me my understanding of a supreme God, eternal, infinite, immutable [sic], omniscient, omnipotent and the creator of all things that exist apart from him, certainly has in it more objective reality than the ideas that represent finite substances.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 32-33
Explanation and Analysis:

It is manifest by the natural light that there must be at least as much reality [sic] in the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause. For where, I ask, could the effect get its reality from, if not from the cause?

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:

It is clear to me, by the natural light, that the ideas in me are like pictures, or [sic] images which can easily fall short of the perfection of the things from which they are taken, but which cannot contain anything greater or more perfect.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:

It is enough that I understand the infinite, and that I judge that all the attributes which I clearly perceive and know to imply some perfection—and perhaps countless others of which I am ignorant—are present in God either formally or eminently. This is enough to make the idea that I have of God the truest and most clear and distinct of all my ideas.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

But before examining this point more carefully and investigating other truths which may be derived from it, I should like to pause here and spend some time in the contemplation of God; to reflect on his attributes, and to gaze with wonder and adoration on the beauty of this immense light, so far as the eye of my darkened intellect can bear it. For just as we believe through faith that the supreme happiness of the next life consists solely in the contemplation of the divine majesty, so experience tells us that this same contemplation, albeit much less perfect, enables us to know the greatest joy of which we are capable in this life.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
Fourth Meditation Quotes

If, however, I simply refrain from making a judgement in cases where I do not perceive the truth with sufficient clarity and distinctness, then it is clear that I am behaving correctly and avoiding error. But if in such cases I either affirm or deny, then I am not using my free will correctly. If I go for the alternative which is false, then obviously I shall be in error; if I take the other side, then it is by pure chance that I arrive at the truth, and I shall still be at fault since it is clear by the natural light that the perception of the intellect should always precede the determination of the will. In this incorrect use of free will may be found the privation which constitutes the essence of error.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:

Today I have learned not only what precautions to take to avoid ever going wrong, but also what to do to arrive at the truth. For I shall unquestionably reach the truth, if only I give sufficient attention to all the things which I perfectly understand, and separate these from all the other cases where my apprehension is more confused and obscure. And this is just what I shall take good care to do from now on.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 49
Explanation and Analysis:
Fifth Meditation Quotes

But if the mere fact that I can produce from my thought the idea of something entails that everything which I clearly and distinctly perceive to belong to that thing really does belong to it, is not this a possible basis for another argument to prove the existence of God? Certainly, the idea of God, or a supremely perfect being, is one which I find within me just as surely as the idea of any shape or number. And my understanding that it belongs to his nature that he always exists is no less clear and distinct than is the case when I prove of any shape or number that some property belongs to its nature.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 51-52
Explanation and Analysis:
Sixth Meditation Quotes

I know that everything which I clearly and distinctly understand is capable of being created by God so as to correspond exactly with my understanding of it. Hence the fact that I can clearly and distinctly understand one thing apart from another is enough to make me certain that the two things are distinct, since they are capable of being separated, at least by God. […] It is true that I may have […] a body that is very closely joined to me. But nevertheless, on the one hand I have a clear and distinct idea of myself, in so far as I am simply a thinking, non-extended thing; and on the other hand I have a distinct idea of body, in so far as this is simply an extended, non-thinking thing. And accordingly, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body, and can exist without it.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 61-62
Explanation and Analysis:

My final observation is that any given movement occurring in the part of the brain that immediately affects the mind produces just one corresponding sensation; and hence the best system that could be devised is that it should produce the one sensation which, of all possible sensations, is most especially and most frequently conducive to the preservation of the healthy man. And experience shows that the sensations which nature has given us are all of this kind; and so there is absolutely nothing to be found in them that does not bear witness to the power and goodness of God.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:

Accordingly, I should not have any further fears about the falsity of what my senses tell me every day; on the contrary, the exaggerated doubts of the last few days should be dismissed as laughable. This applies especially to the principal reason for doubt, namely my inability to distinguish between being asleep and being awake. […] But since the pressure of things to be done does not always allow us to stop and make such a meticulous check, it must be admitted that in this human life we are often liable to make mistakes about particular things, and we must acknowledge the weakness of our nature.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 70-71
Explanation and Analysis:
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René Descartes Quotes in Meditations on First Philosophy

The Meditations on First Philosophy quotes below are all either spoken by René Descartes or refer to René Descartes. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dedicatory letter Quotes

I think there can be no more useful service to be rendered in philosophy than to conduct a careful search, once and for all, for the best of these arguments, and to set them out so precisely and clearly as to produce for the future a general agreement that they amount to demonstrative proofs.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker)
Page Number: 4-5
Explanation and Analysis:
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Preface to the Reader Quotes

I would not urge anyone to read this book except those who are able and willing to meditate seriously with me, and to withdraw their minds from the senses and from all preconceived opinions. Such readers, as I well know, are few and far between.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker), The Meditator
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Synopsis Quotes

The great benefit of these arguments is not, in my view, that they prove what they establish—namely that there really is a world, and that human beings have bodies and so on—since no sane person has ever seriously doubted these things. The point is that in considering these arguments we come to realize that they are not as solid or as transparent as the arguments which lead us to knowledge of our own minds and of God, so that the latter are the most certain and evident of all possible objects of knowledge for the human intellect. Indeed, this is the one thing that I set myself to prove in these Meditations. And for that reason I will not now go over the various other issues in the book which are dealt with as they come up.

Related Characters: René Descartes (speaker), The Meditator, God
Page Number: 12-13
Explanation and Analysis:
Second Meditation Quotes

So after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, The Evil Demon
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:

As to the body, however, I had no doubts about it, but thought I knew its nature distinctly. If I had tried to describe the mental conception I had of it, I would have expressed it as follows: by a body I understand whatever has a determinable shape and a definable location and can occupy a space in such a way as to exclude any other body; it can be perceived by touch, sight, hearing, taste or smell, and can be moved in various ways, not by itself but by whatever else comes into contact with it. For, according to my judgement, the power of self-movement, like the power of sensation or of thought, was quite foreign to the nature of a body; indeed, it was a source of wonder to me that certain bodies were found to contain faculties of this kind.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

Thinking? At last I have discovered it—thought; this alone is inseparable from me. I am, I exist—that is certain. But for how long? For as long as I am thinking. For it could be that were I totally to cease from thinking, I should totally cease to exist. At present I am not admitting anything except what is necessarily true. I am, then, in the strict sense only a thing that thinks; that is, I am a mind, or intelligence, or intellect, or reason—words whose meaning I have been ignorant of until now. But for all that I am a thing which is real and which truly exists. But what kind of a thing? As I have just said—a thinking thing.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 22-23
Explanation and Analysis:

But what then am I? A thing that thinks. What is that? A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, is willing, is unwilling, and also imagines and has sensory perceptions.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 24
Explanation and Analysis:

[The wax] has not yet quite lost the taste of the honey; […] its colour, shape and size are plain to see; it is hard, cold and can be handled without difficulty; if you rap it with your knuckle it makes a sound. In short, it has everything which appears necessary to enable a body to be known as distinctly as possible. But even as I speak, I put the wax by the fire, and look: the residual taste is eliminated, the smell goes away, the colour changes, the shape is lost, the size increases; it becomes liquid and hot; you can hardly touch it, and if you strike it, it no longer makes a sound.


What exactly is it that I am now imagining? Let us concentrate, take away everything which does not belong to the wax, and see what is left: merely something extended, flexible and changeable.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Related Symbols: The Wax
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:
Third Meditation Quotes

I am certain that I am a thinking thing. Do I not therefore also know what is required for my being certain about anything? In this first item of knowledge there is simply a clear and distinct perception of what I am asserting; this would not be enough to make me certain of the truth of the matter if it could ever turn out that something which I perceived with such clarity and distinctness was false. So I now seem to be able to lay it down as a general rule that whatever I perceive very clearly and distinctly is true.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 28-29
Explanation and Analysis:

Undoubtedly, the ideas which represent substances to me amount to something more and, so to speak, contain within themselves more objective reality than the ideas which merely represent modes or accidents. Again, the idea that gives me my understanding of a supreme God, eternal, infinite, immutable [sic], omniscient, omnipotent and the creator of all things that exist apart from him, certainly has in it more objective reality than the ideas that represent finite substances.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 32-33
Explanation and Analysis:

It is manifest by the natural light that there must be at least as much reality [sic] in the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause. For where, I ask, could the effect get its reality from, if not from the cause?

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:

It is clear to me, by the natural light, that the ideas in me are like pictures, or [sic] images which can easily fall short of the perfection of the things from which they are taken, but which cannot contain anything greater or more perfect.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:

It is enough that I understand the infinite, and that I judge that all the attributes which I clearly perceive and know to imply some perfection—and perhaps countless others of which I am ignorant—are present in God either formally or eminently. This is enough to make the idea that I have of God the truest and most clear and distinct of all my ideas.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

But before examining this point more carefully and investigating other truths which may be derived from it, I should like to pause here and spend some time in the contemplation of God; to reflect on his attributes, and to gaze with wonder and adoration on the beauty of this immense light, so far as the eye of my darkened intellect can bear it. For just as we believe through faith that the supreme happiness of the next life consists solely in the contemplation of the divine majesty, so experience tells us that this same contemplation, albeit much less perfect, enables us to know the greatest joy of which we are capable in this life.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:
Fourth Meditation Quotes

If, however, I simply refrain from making a judgement in cases where I do not perceive the truth with sufficient clarity and distinctness, then it is clear that I am behaving correctly and avoiding error. But if in such cases I either affirm or deny, then I am not using my free will correctly. If I go for the alternative which is false, then obviously I shall be in error; if I take the other side, then it is by pure chance that I arrive at the truth, and I shall still be at fault since it is clear by the natural light that the perception of the intellect should always precede the determination of the will. In this incorrect use of free will may be found the privation which constitutes the essence of error.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:

Today I have learned not only what precautions to take to avoid ever going wrong, but also what to do to arrive at the truth. For I shall unquestionably reach the truth, if only I give sufficient attention to all the things which I perfectly understand, and separate these from all the other cases where my apprehension is more confused and obscure. And this is just what I shall take good care to do from now on.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 49
Explanation and Analysis:
Fifth Meditation Quotes

But if the mere fact that I can produce from my thought the idea of something entails that everything which I clearly and distinctly perceive to belong to that thing really does belong to it, is not this a possible basis for another argument to prove the existence of God? Certainly, the idea of God, or a supremely perfect being, is one which I find within me just as surely as the idea of any shape or number. And my understanding that it belongs to his nature that he always exists is no less clear and distinct than is the case when I prove of any shape or number that some property belongs to its nature.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 51-52
Explanation and Analysis:
Sixth Meditation Quotes

I know that everything which I clearly and distinctly understand is capable of being created by God so as to correspond exactly with my understanding of it. Hence the fact that I can clearly and distinctly understand one thing apart from another is enough to make me certain that the two things are distinct, since they are capable of being separated, at least by God. […] It is true that I may have […] a body that is very closely joined to me. But nevertheless, on the one hand I have a clear and distinct idea of myself, in so far as I am simply a thinking, non-extended thing; and on the other hand I have a distinct idea of body, in so far as this is simply an extended, non-thinking thing. And accordingly, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body, and can exist without it.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 61-62
Explanation and Analysis:

My final observation is that any given movement occurring in the part of the brain that immediately affects the mind produces just one corresponding sensation; and hence the best system that could be devised is that it should produce the one sensation which, of all possible sensations, is most especially and most frequently conducive to the preservation of the healthy man. And experience shows that the sensations which nature has given us are all of this kind; and so there is absolutely nothing to be found in them that does not bear witness to the power and goodness of God.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes, God
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:

Accordingly, I should not have any further fears about the falsity of what my senses tell me every day; on the contrary, the exaggerated doubts of the last few days should be dismissed as laughable. This applies especially to the principal reason for doubt, namely my inability to distinguish between being asleep and being awake. […] But since the pressure of things to be done does not always allow us to stop and make such a meticulous check, it must be admitted that in this human life we are often liable to make mistakes about particular things, and we must acknowledge the weakness of our nature.

Related Characters: The Meditator (speaker), René Descartes
Page Number: 70-71
Explanation and Analysis: