Memoirs of a Geisha


Arthur Golden

Nicknamed “Pumpkin” by Sayuri because of her round head, Pumpkin grows up with Sayuri in the okiya. Compassionate but a little slow-witted, Pumpkin struggles to make it as a geisha. With Hatsumomo as her mentor, she also absorbs some of Hatsumomo’s vicious cruelty. After spending some hard years as a prostitute during World War Two, Pumpkin tries to sabotage Sayuri’s relationship with the Chairman in order to get back at Sayuri for succeeding where she herself failed.

Pumpkin Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

The Memoirs of a Geisha quotes below are all either spoken by Pumpkin or refer to Pumpkin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“I’ve found a place to spend my life. I'll work as hard as I have to so they don't send me away. But I'd sooner throw myself off a cliff than spoil my chances to be a geisha like Hatsumomo.”

Related Characters: Pumpkin (speaker), Sayuri Nitta / Chiyo Sakamoto, Hatsumomo
Page Number: 53
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Pumpkin Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

The Memoirs of a Geisha quotes below are all either spoken by Pumpkin or refer to Pumpkin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

“I’ve found a place to spend my life. I'll work as hard as I have to so they don't send me away. But I'd sooner throw myself off a cliff than spoil my chances to be a geisha like Hatsumomo.”

Related Characters: Pumpkin (speaker), Sayuri Nitta / Chiyo Sakamoto, Hatsumomo
Page Number: 53
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