Mexican WhiteBoy


Matt de la Peña

Coach Sullivan Character Analysis

Coach Sullivan is the coach of Leucadia prep’s baseball team. He cuts Danny from the team because Danny’s pitching needs more control, though he sees potential in Danny. At the end of the novel, Coach Sullivan is impressed with Danny, and Kyle says Coach Sullivan will contact Danny to recruit him to the team.
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Coach Sullivan Character Timeline in Mexican WhiteBoy

The timeline below shows where the character Coach Sullivan appears in Mexican WhiteBoy. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Stuck in Uncle Tommy’s Apartment
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Fate vs. Opportunity Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon
...make the school baseball team because he was pitching outside the strike zone during tryouts. Coach Sullivan told Danny to try again next year, so he spent the season watching the team... (full context)
The Last Hustle of the Summer
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
...on how nice the school facilities are. The two play catch on the field, and Coach Sullivan chats with Danny. Uno challenges Kyle, and the team laughs, claiming that the money Uno... (full context)
Race and Identity  Theme Icon
Violence, Power, and Coping Mechanisms Theme Icon
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Family, Friendship, and Culture Theme Icon and tells Danny and Uno to leave. He compliments Danny’s pitching and says that Coach Sullivan will contact him. Danny feels the birth of something new inside him. (full context)