

Jerry Spinelli

Uncle Shepsel Character Analysis

Uncle Shepsel is Janina’s uncle who lives with her and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milgrom family. He is mostly concerned about his own wellbeing and resents Misha’s presence in the household. Uncle Shepsel studies Lutheranism in the belief that if he’s no longer a Jew, he will be allowed to leave the ghetto. However, he is deported to a camp along with Mr. Milgrom and Janina.

Uncle Shepsel Quotes in Milkweed

The Milkweed quotes below are all either spoken by Uncle Shepsel or refer to Uncle Shepsel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 20 Quotes

When I awoke, I thought I was back in the courtyard under the blinding lights, but it was only the sun in the window. And Uncle Shepsel, propped on his elbow, was pointing at me and saying, “Why is he sleeping here? He smells.”

“I regret to inform you,” said Mr. Milgrom, “that you are not a rose garden yourself these days.”

Uncle Shepsel pounded the floor. “He's not family.”

Mr. Milgrom looked straight at him. “He is now.”

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Mr. Tobiasz Milgrom (speaker), Uncle Shepsel (speaker)
Page Number: 99
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Chapter 32 Quotes

Uncle Shepsel opened his eyes and smiled down at me. I had seen the same smile in the room lately, as he read the book that had changed him from a Jew to a Lutheran. […] Suddenly his expression changed. He seemed confused. He looked hard into my face and did not seem to know me. "You go. Every night you go," he said. "Why do you come back?" I did not have an answer. Maybe he found it in my face, for after a while he turned and walked off.

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Uncle Shepsel (speaker), Janina Milgrom
Page Number: 148
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Uncle Shepsel Quotes in Milkweed

The Milkweed quotes below are all either spoken by Uncle Shepsel or refer to Uncle Shepsel. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 20 Quotes

When I awoke, I thought I was back in the courtyard under the blinding lights, but it was only the sun in the window. And Uncle Shepsel, propped on his elbow, was pointing at me and saying, “Why is he sleeping here? He smells.”

“I regret to inform you,” said Mr. Milgrom, “that you are not a rose garden yourself these days.”

Uncle Shepsel pounded the floor. “He's not family.”

Mr. Milgrom looked straight at him. “He is now.”

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Mr. Tobiasz Milgrom (speaker), Uncle Shepsel (speaker)
Page Number: 99
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Chapter 32 Quotes

Uncle Shepsel opened his eyes and smiled down at me. I had seen the same smile in the room lately, as he read the book that had changed him from a Jew to a Lutheran. […] Suddenly his expression changed. He seemed confused. He looked hard into my face and did not seem to know me. "You go. Every night you go," he said. "Why do you come back?" I did not have an answer. Maybe he found it in my face, for after a while he turned and walked off.

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Uncle Shepsel (speaker), Janina Milgrom
Page Number: 148
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