

Jerry Spinelli

Wendy Janina Character Analysis

Wendy Janina is Katherine’s daughter and Misha’s granddaughter, a lively four-year-old. Katherine left Wendy’s middle name blank until she found Misha, and she invites him to give Wendy a middle name. Misha immediately names her after Janina. Misha finds peace in helping take care of Wendy Janina and being her “Poppynoodle.”

Wendy Janina Quotes in Milkweed

The Milkweed quotes below are all either spoken by Wendy Janina or refer to Wendy Janina. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 45 Quotes

I think of all the voices that have told me who I have been, the names I've had. Call me thief. Call me stupid. […] I don't care. Empty-handed victims once told me who I was. Then Uri told me. Then an armband. Then an immigration officer. And now this little girl in my lap, this little girl whose call silences the tramping Jackboots. Her voice will be the last. […] I am . . . Poppynoodle.

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Janina Milgrom, Uri, Wendy Janina
Page Number: 208
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Wendy Janina Quotes in Milkweed

The Milkweed quotes below are all either spoken by Wendy Janina or refer to Wendy Janina. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 45 Quotes

I think of all the voices that have told me who I have been, the names I've had. Call me thief. Call me stupid. […] I don't care. Empty-handed victims once told me who I was. Then Uri told me. Then an armband. Then an immigration officer. And now this little girl in my lap, this little girl whose call silences the tramping Jackboots. Her voice will be the last. […] I am . . . Poppynoodle.

Related Characters: Stopthief / Misha Pilsudski (speaker), Janina Milgrom, Uri, Wendy Janina
Page Number: 208
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