Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Stephen King's Misery. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Misery: Introduction
Misery: Plot Summary
Misery: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Misery: Themes
Misery: Quotes
Misery: Characters
Misery: Symbols
Misery: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Stephen King

Historical Context of Misery
Other Books Related to Misery
- Full Title: Misery
- When Written: 1985–1986
- Where Written: London, England and the United States
- When Published: 1987
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Psychological Horror Novel
- Setting: Sidewinder, Colorado in 1987
- Climax: Paul lights his manuscript on fire and attacks Annie.
- Antagonist: Annie Wilkes
- Point of View: Third-Person Limited
Extra Credit for Misery
Number-One Fan. Stephen King came up with the idea for Misery (1987), in part, from an interaction with a fan named Mark Chapman who insisted on taking his photo. Eight years later, a man named Mark Chapman shot and killed John Lennon hours after obtaining his autograph. Though he has no proof, King believes the Chapman he met was the same man who killed the former Beatle.
Typecast. Actor Kathy Bates, who plays Annie Wilkes in the film adaptation of Misery (1990), also starred as the title character of Dolores Claiborne (1995), based on King’s 1992 novel of the same name. King was allegedly so impressed by Bates’s performance in Misery, he wrote the character of Dolores Claiborne with her in mind.