Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Megan (“High Bun”) Character Analysis

Megan is a girl in Claudia’s Group Five dance class; until Claudia learns her name, she refers to her as “High Bun,” after her hairstyle. From Claudia’s first class, Megan stands up for Claudia’ right to be there. While the other girls seem to imply that Claudia isn’t mentally sound enough to be in the class, Megan shushes them and shuts down their bullying attempts. As time goes on, she befriends Claudia, helps Claudia with her solo routine, and even invites Claudia to a sleepover. The sleepover turns out to be a cover for going to a high school party, where Megan and Claudia’s group runs into Michael. Megan insists to Michael that Claudia will never heal if she’s never allowed to act her age and do fun teenage things. Though Claudia thinks of Megan as being significantly older than she is, the novel implies that Megan is only older by a year or two, if at all.
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Megan (“High Bun”) Character Timeline in Monday’s Not Coming

The timeline below shows where the character Megan (“High Bun”) appears in Monday’s Not Coming. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...Claudia ended up in the class, given that she’s “like, twelve.” A girl with a high bun insists that Claudia is older than that and a great dancer. Claudia tries to focus... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...her turn, she shows off with an extra twirl. Her classmates stare, and she overhears High Bun telling another girl that Claudia’s good. (full context)
Chapter 15. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...into High Bun. The girl apologizes, opens a locker, and reminds Claudia her name is Megan. Megan asks if Claudia got her solo song yet. When Claudia says it’s an Adele... (full context)
Chapter 21. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...people in the crowd. Then, someone else greets Michael. It’s a tall guy named Kam—and Megan from dance class is with him. She looks panicky and averts her gaze. (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Secrecy and Shame Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
As Michael and Kam banter, Claudia studies Megan. She looks away still, and Claudia wonders if Megan is embarrassed to know her. The... (full context)
Chapter 27. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
Claudia takes her place in Ms. Manis’s Group Five class. Shannon and Megan whisper about Claudia not saying much, and another girl—Kit Kat—asks why Michael was asking about... (full context)
Chapter 34. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
...about boys if Monday doesn’t return? Then, the dance team takes the court. Claudia spots Megan in the back and thinks that what’s missing from her own solo routine is fun.... (full context)
Chapter 39. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...ready, she plays “All I Ask” on repeat. Claudia dances, feeling like she’s moving heavily. Megan’s voice interrupts Claudia from the doorway, saying she has to smile. Megan drops her bag... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
Claudia follows along, but Megan laughs again for Claudia to loosen up. They smile and practice the turns, trying to... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
In the car on the way to Megan’s, Ma says that Claudia will have so much fun. She suggests that Claudia could have... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Claudia grabs the cookies Ma made and walks up to the door. Megan answers with a smile, accepts the cookies, and says the pizza just arrived. She introduces... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Claudia does everyone else’s nails over the next hour. They laugh, drink soda, and gossip. Megan’s mom bustles downstairs, introduces herself to Claudia, and tells the girls to be good—she’s off... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...Daddy would kill her if he could see where she was and how she’s dressed. Megan leads the group to the back of a house to a door to the basement.... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
Claudia spits her drink out when she hears Michael ask what she’s doing here. Megan says that she brough Claudia, and Claudia is never going to be ready for this... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
The DJ turns the music up and Megan leads everyone onto the floor. A boy jumps into the middle of the circle, doing... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Poverty, Social Support, and Desperation Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
...Claudia refuses—he’s going to spread lies about her. Jacob realizes that Claudia is here with Megan and reveals that Kam is his brother. Claudia asks what the truth is, and Jacob... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
...she proves she’s not a lesbian or a baby—and she’ll catch up to Monday. When Megan calls for Claudia, it shakes Claudia out of her daze. She falls back and thinks... (full context)
Chapter 41. The After
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Responsibility Theme Icon the news, police found a body in Baltimore the morning after the party. As Megan, Claudia, Kit Kat, and Shannon get up, Megan asks Claudia if she’s okay and says... (full context)
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
Megan’s cellphone rings. Megan answers, grins, and hands the phone to Claudia—it’s Michael, calling to check... (full context)
Chapter 47. The After
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
...and performs one set of moves quickly. Then, she slows it down and thinks of Megan and dancing at dance ministry. It feels good. (full context)
Chapter 56. The After
Growing Up, Independence, and Friendship Theme Icon
Memory, Repression, and Trauma Theme Icon
Megan interrupts Claudia and asks if she’s ready. Claudia is in heaven reading Monday’s journal without... (full context)