Monday’s Not Coming

Monday’s Not Coming


Tiffany Jackson

Ms. Roundtree Character Analysis

Ms. Roundtree is one of Monday’s neighbors in Ed Borough. Claudia meets her at the end of the novel when she goes to Monday’s house to gain closure. Ms. Roundtree helps Claudia gain closure by sharing how she reframed the buzzing noise Mrs. Charles’s freezer made, which she can also still hear: instead of thinking of it as a haunting buzzing sound, she tries to think of it as someone humming a song.

Ms. Roundtree Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Ms. Roundtree or refer to Ms. Roundtree. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 57. Later On Quotes

“Wait! How’d you get rid of the buzzing?”

Ms. Roundtree smiled, folding her hands together. “It’s all about the way you look at it. You got to decide what something is or isn’t. It may have been buzzing, but I decided it’s humming. Someone is just humming a song in my ear. A pretty song.”

Glancing at the house one last time, I gave Ms. Roundtree a hug. “Thank you.”

“Sure, baby, anytime.”

I jumped in the car, kissed Michael, and we drove off, cranking up Daddy’s newest song.

With Monday humming along.

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Ms. Roundtree (speaker), Monday Charles, Michael
Page Number: 434-435
Explanation and Analysis:
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Ms. Roundtree Quotes in Monday’s Not Coming

The Monday’s Not Coming quotes below are all either spoken by Ms. Roundtree or refer to Ms. Roundtree. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Child Abuse Theme Icon
Chapter 57. Later On Quotes

“Wait! How’d you get rid of the buzzing?”

Ms. Roundtree smiled, folding her hands together. “It’s all about the way you look at it. You got to decide what something is or isn’t. It may have been buzzing, but I decided it’s humming. Someone is just humming a song in my ear. A pretty song.”

Glancing at the house one last time, I gave Ms. Roundtree a hug. “Thank you.”

“Sure, baby, anytime.”

I jumped in the car, kissed Michael, and we drove off, cranking up Daddy’s newest song.

With Monday humming along.

Related Characters: Claudia Coleman (speaker), Ms. Roundtree (speaker), Monday Charles, Michael
Page Number: 434-435
Explanation and Analysis: