

Michael Lewis

Jeremy Brown Character Analysis

An unlikely professional athlete drafted by the Oakland A’s in 2002, Jeremy Brown is overweight, hairy, and generally un-charismatic. Nevertheless, he has a high on-base percentage and a consistent, reliable swing. Throughout the book, Michael Lewis uses Jeremy Brown as a kind of case study for Paul DePodesta and Billy Beane’s approach to management.

Jeremy Brown Quotes in Moneyball

The Moneyball quotes below are all either spoken by Jeremy Brown or refer to Jeremy Brown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Jeremy Brown, owner of the University of Alabama offensive record books as a catcher, had been so perfectly conditioned by the conventional scouting wisdom that he refused to believe that any major league baseball team could think highly of him.

Related Characters: Jeremy Brown
Page Number: 102
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Epilogue Quotes

Everybody's laughing at him again. But their laughter has a different tone. It's not the sniggering laughter of the people who made fun of his body. It's something else. He looks out into the gap in left center field. The outfielders are just standing there: they've stopped chasing the ball. The ball's gone. The triple of Jeremy Brown's imagination, in reality, is a home run.

Related Characters: Jeremy Brown
Page Number: 286
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Jeremy Brown Quotes in Moneyball

The Moneyball quotes below are all either spoken by Jeremy Brown or refer to Jeremy Brown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Jeremy Brown, owner of the University of Alabama offensive record books as a catcher, had been so perfectly conditioned by the conventional scouting wisdom that he refused to believe that any major league baseball team could think highly of him.

Related Characters: Jeremy Brown
Page Number: 102
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Epilogue Quotes

Everybody's laughing at him again. But their laughter has a different tone. It's not the sniggering laughter of the people who made fun of his body. It's something else. He looks out into the gap in left center field. The outfielders are just standing there: they've stopped chasing the ball. The ball's gone. The triple of Jeremy Brown's imagination, in reality, is a home run.

Related Characters: Jeremy Brown
Page Number: 286
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