Nectar in a Sieve


Kamala Markandaya

Kenny Character Analysis

Kenny is a British doctor who lives and works in the village. Rukmani first meets Kenny at her dying mother’s bedside, and she seeks treatment from him for infertility. A gruff man, Kenny claims to scorn the people of the village as backward and uninventive—he often chastises Rukmani for refusing to take action or feel angry in the face of suffering. However, he’s actually sensitive and compassionate—he frequently brings Rukmani food during hard times, and when visiting her household, he speaks her language and displays a cultural sensitivity that the novel’s other white characters lack entirely. During the novel, Kenny builds a free hospital that he hopes will provide desperately needed medical care to the region. His active nature and commitment to progress contrasts with Rukmani’s passive resignation, but the novel doesn’t prioritize one worldview above the other. Kenny’s projects help the villagers, but his restless nature has led to the collapse of his marriage and estrangement from his children, preventing him from enjoying the familial happiness that Rukmani possesses despite her poverty.

Kenny Quotes in Nectar in a Sieve

The Nectar in a Sieve quotes below are all either spoken by Kenny or refer to Kenny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Suffering Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Times are better, times are better,” he shouts. “Times will not be better for many months. Meanwhile you will suffer and die, you meek, suffering fools. Why do you keep this ghastly silence? Why do you not demand—cry out for help—do something? There is nothing in this country, oh God, there is nothing!”

Related Characters: Kenny (speaker), Rukmani
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

Have I not so much sense to see that you are not one of us? You live and work here, and there is in your heart solicitude for us and love for our children. But this is not your country and we are not your people.

Related Characters: Rukmani (speaker), Kenny
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

Privately I thought, Well, and what if we gave in to our troubles at every step! We would be pitiable creatures indeed to be so weak, for is not a man’s spirit given to him to rise above his misfortunes? […] What profit to bewail that which has always been and cannot change?

Related Characters: Rukmani (speaker), Kenny
Related Symbols: The Hospital
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:
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Kenny Quotes in Nectar in a Sieve

The Nectar in a Sieve quotes below are all either spoken by Kenny or refer to Kenny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Suffering Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Times are better, times are better,” he shouts. “Times will not be better for many months. Meanwhile you will suffer and die, you meek, suffering fools. Why do you keep this ghastly silence? Why do you not demand—cry out for help—do something? There is nothing in this country, oh God, there is nothing!”

Related Characters: Kenny (speaker), Rukmani
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

Have I not so much sense to see that you are not one of us? You live and work here, and there is in your heart solicitude for us and love for our children. But this is not your country and we are not your people.

Related Characters: Rukmani (speaker), Kenny
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

Privately I thought, Well, and what if we gave in to our troubles at every step! We would be pitiable creatures indeed to be so weak, for is not a man’s spirit given to him to rise above his misfortunes? […] What profit to bewail that which has always been and cannot change?

Related Characters: Rukmani (speaker), Kenny
Related Symbols: The Hospital
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis: