Nicholas Nickleby


Charles Dickens

Mr. Mantalini Character Analysis

Mr. Mantalini is Madame Mantalini’s husband. He lives an extravagant lifestyle and is constantly in debt, often to Ralph. Mr. Mantalini’s extravagance leads Madame Mantalini to declare bankruptcy. He frequently threatens to die by suicide to manipulate Madame Mantalini into staying with him, which enables him to continue the lifestyle he is accustomed to.
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Mr. Mantalini Character Timeline in Nicholas Nickleby

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Mantalini appears in Nicholas Nickleby. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...with her mother. At the dressmaker’s, Ralph and Kate are greeted by Madame Mantalini’s husband, Mr. Mantalini . He’s much younger than Madame Mantalini. He tells Ralph he’ll find Madame Mantalini and... (full context)
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...occasionally work overtime, for which she’ll be paid. Twenty other women work at the dressmaker’s. Mr. Mantalini says that the women who work there are beautiful. Madame Mantalini says he's never seen... (full context)
Chapter 17
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Power and Abuse Theme Icon
...a waiting room when Kate arrives. While Kate sits, she hears Madame Mantalini arguing with Mr. Mantalini . She says that he flirted with another woman all last night. Mr. Mantalini denies... (full context)
Chapter 21
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Power and Abuse Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...asks her what’s wrong. Madame Mantalini says she is worried but doesn’t say about what. Mr. Mantalini comes to speak to her. Kate overhears Madame Mantalini telling Mr. Mantalini that his latest... (full context)
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...the men hands a card to Kate and tells her to pass it along to Mr. Mantalini . When Madame Mantalini arrives, they hand her a letter, which says that they are... (full context)
Chapter 34
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Power and Abuse Theme Icon
Mr. Mantalini visits Ralph in his office, trying to get Ralph to loan him more money. Ralph... (full context)
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Power and Abuse Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
Injustice, Complicity, and Moral Integrity Theme Icon
As the Mantalinis turn to leave, Mr. Mantalini says he almost forgot to mention Mulberry. He asks Ralph if he heard what happened.... (full context)
Chapter 44
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Power and Abuse Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...any money whatsoever and walks on. Ralph then goes to the Mantalinis’. There, he finds Mr. Mantalini unconscious on the floor. Some people are saying that he took poison while others say... (full context)
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Madame Mantalini announces that she’s had it with Mr. Mantalini ’s debts and excesses. She says she’s going to separate from him. Mr. Mantalini awakens... (full context)
Chapter 64
Greed and Selfishness Theme Icon
Family and Loyalty Theme Icon
...and Kate tells Nicholas that it’s the Mantalinis. They listen and hear Madame Mantalini cursing Mr. Mantalini . She has recently bailed him out of jail, but he seems to have gone... (full context)