Normal People


Sally Rooney

Helen Character Analysis

Helen is one of Connell’s girlfriends at Trinity College. Connell feels strongly about her, thinking that she brings out the best in him. He even compares her to Marianne and decides that, although what he and Marianne have is passionate, he’s better off with Helen. But their relationship doesn’t last. After Helen accompanies Connell to Rob’s funeral, she brings up the fact that Connell couldn’t stop staring at Marianne at the service. Connell, however, refuses to apologize, ultimately leading to their breakup.

Helen Quotes in Normal People

The Normal People quotes below are all either spoken by Helen or refer to Helen. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
13. Six Months Later (July 2013) Quotes

Helen has given Connell a new way to live. It's as if an impossibly heavy lid has been lifted off his emotional life and suddenly he can breathe fresh air. It is physically possible to type and send a message reading: I love you! It had never seemed possible before, not remotely, but in fact it's easy. Of course if someone saw the messages he would be embarrassed, but he knows now that this is a normal kind of embarrassment, […]. He can sit down to dinner with Helen's parents, he can accompany her to her friends' parties, he can tolerate the smiling and the exchange of repetitive conversation. […] When she touches him spontaneously, applying a little pressure to his arm, or even reaching to brush a piece of lint off his collar, he feels a rush of pride, and hopes that people are watching them.

Related Characters: Marianne, Connell, Helen
Page Number: 160-161
Explanation and Analysis:

Connell thinks the aspects of himself that are most compatible with Helen are his best aspects: his loyalty, his basically practical outlook, his desire to be thought of as a good guy. With Helen he doesn't feel shameful things, he doesn’t find himself saying weird stuff during sex, he doesn't have that persistent sensation that he belongs nowhere, that he never will belong anywhere. Marianne had a wildness that got into him for a while and made him feel that he was like her, that they had the same unnameable spiritual injury, and that neither of them could ever fit into the world. But he was never damaged like she was. She just made him feel that way.

Related Characters: Marianne, Connell, Helen
Page Number: 175
Explanation and Analysis:
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Helen Character Timeline in Normal People

The timeline below shows where the character Helen appears in Normal People. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
12. Four Months Later (January 2013)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
...he’s been seeing someone—he should have told her earlier, he admits, but he’s been with Helen for six weeks. Marianne turns away and tries to keep herself from crying, angrily asking... (full context)
13. Six Months Later (July 2013)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
...has been spending the summer traveling in Europe with Niall and a friend named Elaine. Helen, his girlfriend, is studying in Chicago for the summer—he talks to her on Skype at... (full context)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
The first time Marianne and Helen met was last February. Connell and Helen were holding hands, and though Connell felt horrifyingly... (full context)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
It’s common knowledge these days that Marianne and Helen dislike each other. When he thinks about his relationship, Connell still feels good about being... (full context)
15. Three Months Later (March 2014)
Love, Inexperience, and Emotional Intensity Theme Icon
Miscommunication and Assumptions Theme Icon
Connell is no longer dating Helen. She came back to Carricklea with him for Rob’s funeral, but her presence didn’t do... (full context)