Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Noughts and Crosses: Chapter 23 Summary & Analysis

Sephy had told herself that someday, Callum would actually look happy to see her, but she won’t hold her breath. She handed Callum his first-class ticket. Sephy had pulled money out of her own account for the tickets, rather than asking Mother or Sarah. Using her own money made the day feel more special. Sephy knew deep in her bones that the day was going to be special.
Readers know that Callum is happy to see Sephy, but he’s not thrilled to be poked in the kidneys. Sephy, though, is too self-centered to realize that she’s pushing Callum away. However, at the same time, she’s trying to pull him closer and make their relationship feel more special by using her own money to keep the day secret from her family.