Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Noughts and Crosses: Chapter 70 Summary & Analysis

Now that Callum has testified, he can watch court proceedings from the public gallery. He refuses to sit with Mum out of shame—he knows he and Sephy have condemned Dad. But then, Kelani calls a Cross man named Leo Stoll to the stand. Mr.  Stoll explains that he’s a retired police officer. Then, Kelani asks Mr. Stoll to identify Callum—and Mr. Stoll says he was in the mall café and watched Callum drag a girl out. He asked the girl if she was okay, but the girl said Callum was a friend and wanted to show her something. He also notes that Sephy didn’t seem afraid. Callum is ecstatic.
Leo Stoll’s testimony backs up both Sephy and Callum’s stories of what happened at the mall café on the day of the bombing. Tracking him down and getting him to testify is another nod to Kelani’s skill as a lawyer. Again, though, most noughts probably don’t have access to lawyers like her, so Dad might be getting a fairer trial than many noughts on trial for similar offenses.