Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Jude is Callum’s older brother and the middle child of the family. Callum and Jude don’t get along and never have: Callum regularly describes Jude as insufferable, or as a “toad.” Part of the reason Callum dislikes his brother is that he thinks Jude seems annoyingly angry about the racism and discrimination noughts experience, which leads him to also say disparaging things about Sephy and use the offensive term “dagger” to refer to all Crosses. He also believes that noughts should be proud of who they are and not aspire to be more like Crosses—which is why he’s also constantly fighting with his older sister, Lynette, who is mentally ill and experiences episodes where she believes she’s a Cross. It’s shocking for Jude when Dad explains that Lynette’s illness was caused by physical and emotional trauma (she and her Cross boyfriend were beaten almost to death for their interracial relationship). He also struggles to process when Mum reveals that her grandfather was a Cross. Throughout the novel’s first year, Callum resents Jude because he comes to suspect that Jude and Dad are involved in the Liberation Militia. It’s implied that Jude is the one responsible for the Dundale Shopping Center bombing, as police find Jude’s fingerprints on a soda can believed to house the bomb. But Dad ultimately takes the blame for the bombing, and Jude disappears after the trial is over. Not long after, Jude invites Callum to join the Liberation Militia and then again disappears for several years. When Jude and Callum finally reconnect and work together to kidnap Sephy and blackmail Mr. Hadley, Callum still finds Jude frightening and disturbingly hateful. He forces Callum to prove his loyalty by physically harming Sephy. Jude manages to emerge unscathed when the LM cell is ambushed by police. And though Callum doesn’t see Jude again after they split up for safety, Callum believes that Jude is the one responsible for alerting the General to the fact that Andrew Dorn, the second-in-command of the LM, is a double agent.

Jude McGregor Quotes in Noughts and Crosses

The Noughts and Crosses quotes below are all either spoken by Jude McGregor or refer to Jude McGregor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 26 Quotes

“Because her boyfriend was a Cross. Your sister was beaten and l-left for dead because she was dating a Cross. And she didn’t even tell us. She was afraid of what we’d all say. So is it any wonder that she can’t bear to think of herself as one of us anymore? Is it any wonder she can’t even leave this house anymore? Her mind hasn’t been right since ’cause she’s still hurting.”

Related Characters: Ryan McGregor/Dad (speaker), Callum McGregor, Jude McGregor, Lynette McGregor, Jed
Page Number: 129
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Chapter 50 Quotes

“We had to, Mum. Our cell was ordered to do it. Some of us set it up last night, but they said they’d phone through with the warning an hour before it went off. I swear they did. They said that everyone would be evacuated in plenty of time.” The verbal waterfall tumbled from Jude’s mouth.

“You killed, you murdered all those people…,” Mum whispered, appalled.

“Dad said they would phone through with a warning. That’s what he said. I don’t understand.” Jude turned bewildered eyes toward Dad.

Related Characters: Meggie McGregor/Mum (speaker), Jude McGregor (speaker), Callum McGregor, Ryan McGregor/Dad
Page Number: 219
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Chapter 60 Quotes

“No, Meggie. I’m guilty. That’s the truth and I’m sticking to it. I won’t let them put you and Callum in prison for this. Or Jude.” Dad lowered his voice again. “Just make sure that Jude stays lost so the daggers can’t get their hands on him. If they find him, he’ll rot in prison.” A tiny, sad smile played over Dad’s face, but it was gone in an instant. “But at least my confession means he won’t die.”

Related Characters: Ryan McGregor/Dad (speaker), Callum McGregor, Meggie McGregor/Mum, Jude McGregor
Page Number: 265
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Chapter 104 Quotes

“Mum’s grandfather, our great-grandfather, was a Cross. That’s what Mum told me that day. We’ve got Cross blood in our veins.”

“I—I don’t believe it,” I whispered.

“It’s true. Mum only told me because I joined the LM. She said I was part Cross, so killing them would be just like killing my own. Poor Mum! That backfired on her.”

“What do you mean?”

“None of them ever wanted us. What has any Cross ever done for me except look down at me? I hated them even more after Mum told me the truth. Poor Mum.”

Related Characters: Callum McGregor (speaker), Jude McGregor (speaker), Meggie McGregor/Mum
Page Number: 439
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Jude McGregor Quotes in Noughts and Crosses

The Noughts and Crosses quotes below are all either spoken by Jude McGregor or refer to Jude McGregor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 26 Quotes

“Because her boyfriend was a Cross. Your sister was beaten and l-left for dead because she was dating a Cross. And she didn’t even tell us. She was afraid of what we’d all say. So is it any wonder that she can’t bear to think of herself as one of us anymore? Is it any wonder she can’t even leave this house anymore? Her mind hasn’t been right since ’cause she’s still hurting.”

Related Characters: Ryan McGregor/Dad (speaker), Callum McGregor, Jude McGregor, Lynette McGregor, Jed
Page Number: 129
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Chapter 50 Quotes

“We had to, Mum. Our cell was ordered to do it. Some of us set it up last night, but they said they’d phone through with the warning an hour before it went off. I swear they did. They said that everyone would be evacuated in plenty of time.” The verbal waterfall tumbled from Jude’s mouth.

“You killed, you murdered all those people…,” Mum whispered, appalled.

“Dad said they would phone through with a warning. That’s what he said. I don’t understand.” Jude turned bewildered eyes toward Dad.

Related Characters: Meggie McGregor/Mum (speaker), Jude McGregor (speaker), Callum McGregor, Ryan McGregor/Dad
Page Number: 219
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Chapter 60 Quotes

“No, Meggie. I’m guilty. That’s the truth and I’m sticking to it. I won’t let them put you and Callum in prison for this. Or Jude.” Dad lowered his voice again. “Just make sure that Jude stays lost so the daggers can’t get their hands on him. If they find him, he’ll rot in prison.” A tiny, sad smile played over Dad’s face, but it was gone in an instant. “But at least my confession means he won’t die.”

Related Characters: Ryan McGregor/Dad (speaker), Callum McGregor, Meggie McGregor/Mum, Jude McGregor
Page Number: 265
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 104 Quotes

“Mum’s grandfather, our great-grandfather, was a Cross. That’s what Mum told me that day. We’ve got Cross blood in our veins.”

“I—I don’t believe it,” I whispered.

“It’s true. Mum only told me because I joined the LM. She said I was part Cross, so killing them would be just like killing my own. Poor Mum! That backfired on her.”

“What do you mean?”

“None of them ever wanted us. What has any Cross ever done for me except look down at me? I hated them even more after Mum told me the truth. Poor Mum.”

Related Characters: Callum McGregor (speaker), Jude McGregor (speaker), Meggie McGregor/Mum
Page Number: 439
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