Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Juno Ayelette Character Analysis

Juno Ayelette is Mr. Hadley’s personal secretary, and she seems almost as famous as her boss. Like Mr. Hadley, she’s callous and obsessed with preserving the Hadley family’s reputation—so when she discovers that Minnie and Sephy called an ambulance after Mother’s attempted suicide, she scolds them for calling on an insecure phone that instantly lets the press find out what happened.
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Juno Ayelette Character Timeline in Noughts and Crosses

The timeline below shows where the character Juno Ayelette appears in Noughts and Crosses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 39 the hospital hallway, waiting to hear something about Mother. Suddenly, Mr. Hadley’s personal secretary, Juno Ayelette , appears and marches toward the girls—and scolds them for not thinking. They never should’ve... (full context)