Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Orange juice symbolizes Sephy’s wealth and privilege. To Sephy, having fresh orange juice around all the time is normal and expected. It’s also no big deal for her to purchase a glass of orange juice when she’s out and about, like when she’s at the mall. The fact that orange juice is so normal to Sephy illustrates how privileged she is. She has no idea, for instance, that Callum sees orange juice as an unattainable luxury that he only dreams of drinking. For Callum, orange juice is such a luxury that he’s only had it when Sephy has snuck some for him. He wishes he lived a life where he had more drink options than his nightly glass of milk, and only if he’s lucky (there are times when his family can’t afford milk and so drinks tap water with dinner). Not having access to orange juice is a constant reminder to him that unlike Sephy, his family is extremely poor.

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Orange Juice Symbol Timeline in Noughts and Crosses

The timeline below shows where the symbol Orange Juice appears in Noughts and Crosses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
...soon be too good for them, Callum sips his milk. He wishes he could have orange juice , like Sephy has every night, but it’s too expensive. Jude continues to taunt Callum.... (full context)
Chapter 49
...for five hours now, and has only just gotten away to drink a glass of orange juice at the mall café. Mother is putting her purchases in the car. Suddenly, Callum races... (full context)