Noughts and Crosses

Noughts and Crosses


Malorie Blackman

Blanker Term Analysis

Blanker is an extremely offensive slur for noughts. Some noughts, like Jude, use the term to try to reclaim it in a positive way.

Blanker Quotes in Noughts and Crosses

The Noughts and Crosses quotes below are all either spoken by Blanker or refer to Blanker. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

“STOP IT! YOU’RE ALL BEHAVING LIKE ANIMALS!” I shouted so hard my throat immediately began to hurt. “WORSE THAN ANIMALS—LIKE BLANKERS!”

The sound of the crowd slowly died away. “Just look at you,” I continued. “Stop it.” I glanced down at Callum. He was staring at me, the strangest expression on his face.

Callum, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t mean you. I’d never mean you. It was just for the others, to get them to stop, to get them to help. I didn’t mean you…

Related Characters: Sephy Hadley (speaker), Callum McGregor, Mr. Corsa, Shania
Page Number: 57
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Chapter 7 Quotes

Why couldn’t he understand that I hadn’t been talking about him? It was just a word. A word Dad had used. But it was a word that had hurt my best friend. A word that was now hurting me so very, very much.

Related Characters: Sephy Hadley (speaker), Callum McGregor, Mr. Kamal Hadley
Page Number: 60
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