

Joy Kogawa

Penny Barker is the daughter of Mr. Barker, who owns the beet farm where the Nakanes work and live. She generally pays little attention to the Nakanes, despite attending school with Naomi and Stephen, but she invites herself over to their new house when she wants a part in Stephen’s cantata. Naomi admits that Father is dead for the first time while showing Penny family photos.
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Penny Barker Character Timeline in Obasan

The timeline below shows where the character Penny Barker appears in Obasan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 32
...teacher. The Barkers ignored the Nakanes when they lived on the farm, but their daughter Penny Barker attends Naomi’s school and is vying for a part in Stephen’s cantata, so one day... (full context)