Of Plymouth Plantation

Of Plymouth Plantation


William Bradford

Captain Myles Standish Character Analysis

Myles Standish accompanies the Pilgrims on the Mayflower on their first voyage to the New World, and later serves as the Pilgrims’ chief military adviser. Standish is instrumental in organizing a militia and, toward the end of his life, assembling an army to fight the Narragansett Native Americans. He’s also a fixture of the Pilgrims’ expeditions to explore New England. Standish was probably one of the most influential early colonists in New England—his military experiences helped shape the colony’s policy toward Native Americans and neighboring settlements for decades to come.

Captain Myles Standish Quotes in Of Plymouth Plantation

The Of Plymouth Plantation quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Myles Standish or refer to Captain Myles Standish. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 2, Chapter 16 Quotes

He consulted with the Captain how he could get further supplies of gun powder, for he had not enough to carry him home; so he told him he would go to the next settlement and endeavour to procure him some, and did so. But Captain Standish gathered, from intelligence he received that he intended to seize the bark and take the beaver, so he sent him the powder and brought the bark home. Girling never attacked the place again, and went on his way; which ended the business.

Related Characters: William Bradford (speaker), Captain Myles Standish, Girling
Page Number: 177
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Captain Myles Standish Quotes in Of Plymouth Plantation

The Of Plymouth Plantation quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Myles Standish or refer to Captain Myles Standish. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Book 2, Chapter 16 Quotes

He consulted with the Captain how he could get further supplies of gun powder, for he had not enough to carry him home; so he told him he would go to the next settlement and endeavour to procure him some, and did so. But Captain Standish gathered, from intelligence he received that he intended to seize the bark and take the beaver, so he sent him the powder and brought the bark home. Girling never attacked the place again, and went on his way; which ended the business.

Related Characters: William Bradford (speaker), Captain Myles Standish, Girling
Page Number: 177
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