On Tyranny


Timothy Snyder

Teresa Prekerowa Character Analysis

Teresa Prekerowa was a Polish historian who was a high schooler in Warsaw during the Holocaust. When the Nazis started forcing Warsaw’s Jewish population into a designated neighborhood (or ghetto), most non-Jewish residents simply cut ties with their Jewish friends and allowed the Nazis to move forward with their plans. However, Prekerowa started visiting the ghetto, “bringing food and medicine,” and helping people escape. Snyder uses this as a shining example of how citizens must “stand out” against the status quo in times of tyranny.
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Teresa Prekerowa Character Timeline in On Tyranny

The timeline below shows where the character Teresa Prekerowa appears in On Tyranny. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8: Stand out.
During Germany’s occupation of Poland, Teresa Prekerowa was a high schooler in the capital city of Warsaw, and she watched the Nazis... (full context)