One Hundred Years of Solitude


Gabriel García Márquez

José Arcadio Segundo Character Analysis

The twin of Aureliano Segundo and son of Santa Sofia de la Piedad and Arcadio. José Arcadio Segundo is a moralist with a hot temper. He is “marked with a tragic sign.” He sees a man executed when he is a child and cannot shake the concern that the smile on the man’s face was evidence that they buried him alive. He spends much of his life secluded in the laboratory, studying Melquiíades’ manuscripts.

José Arcadio Segundo Quotes in One Hundred Years of Solitude

The One Hundred Years of Solitude quotes below are all either spoken by José Arcadio Segundo or refer to José Arcadio Segundo. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 10  Quotes

From then on he was never sure who was who. Even when they grew up and life made them different, Úrsula still wondered if they themselves might not have made a mistake in some moment of their intricate game of confusion and had become changed forever.

Related Characters: Úrsula Iguarán , Aureliano Segundo, José Arcadio Segundo
Related Symbols: Names
Page Number: 182
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José Arcadio Segundo Quotes in One Hundred Years of Solitude

The One Hundred Years of Solitude quotes below are all either spoken by José Arcadio Segundo or refer to José Arcadio Segundo. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 10  Quotes

From then on he was never sure who was who. Even when they grew up and life made them different, Úrsula still wondered if they themselves might not have made a mistake in some moment of their intricate game of confusion and had become changed forever.

Related Characters: Úrsula Iguarán , Aureliano Segundo, José Arcadio Segundo
Related Symbols: Names
Page Number: 182
Explanation and Analysis:
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